Chapter 12 - Desperate Times

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Johanna swore under her breath.

"What was that?" Asked the Grand Magistrate.

"Nothing. Where is she? When do I start?"

Johanna knew she still had feelings for Embra. While she was over the breakup, that didn't mean she was over the person. But she also knew her dedication to her country was stronger than her dedication to any one person. She knew that if push came to shove, she could pull the trigger on Embra.

"She is in the same building you assassinated her father in: Holo-Pad industries living quarters. Be careful when you go to it, however; since her father's death they've increased security threefold. As for when you start, you may begin any time before twenty O'clock the day after tomorrow."

"Understood. Thank you, sir."

As she exited the room, multiple emotions swelled within her.

She knew that no matter what, she would feel guilty if she killed Embra without Embra fighting back. But, she knew she had to find and kill her for the sake of the government.

However, she had only once before killed someone whom she had known previously. That mission hadn't gone very well, and thus she was a little worried about this one.


She stood up out of bed. It was 2:10, and she was ready to do the mission. She had spent the entire night psyching herself up for this mission. She didn't know why she was so loath to do this one, but despite her best efforts, there were lingering doubts in her mind.

Oh well, she thought. Let's do this.

She slipped into one of her new and improved Nightlark stealth suits, and walked to the intraction point. She boarded the stealth plane, and sat back in the seat, ready.


She knew there would be guards on the roof this time, so she would have to do a HAHO jump and shoot them on her way down to avoid getting spotted. As a Nightlark, she had full disclosure to kill whomever she needed, but she was still planning on using her sleep gun for old time's sake.

She dove out of the airplane, and opened her parachute 1000 feet above the roof. The parachute reflected the sky around it, so you would have to really know what you were looking for to see the parachute or it's passenger.

Once she had stabilized and had a clear shot, she fired a cluster of electrineural bullets into the four nearby guards. They dropped, and she landed. She unhooked herself from the parachute, and scanned the roof for another guard.

She saw him as he rounded the corner. They spotted each other at the same time, and both went for their guns. Fortunately, Johanna was the quicker draw. He fell backwards, tripped on a pipe, and fell off the eight-story roof. Johanna winced.

Poor dastus.

She pulled her cowl over her head, and tried the door leading down. It was locked. She placed an incendiary grenade at the base of the door, and stepped back. It went off (louder than she would have liked), she waited for the structural integrity to weaken, and kicked it in. Fortunately, there was nobody around to see or hear it, and there was also a noticeable lack of a security camera.

She strode carefully but confidently into the hallway. As soon as she turned a corner, however, she froze; there were two security personnel coming right for her.

Her Nightlark suit was fitted with mimetic holo-particles, so if she stood completely still she would blend into the background and be near-invisible. However, the two guards were going to collide with her if she didn't move. But she couldn't attack them, either, because any movement would cause them to see her. She didn't think she would be able to incapacitate both of them fast enough before they shot her.

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