Aug 6- Heists

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

Aug 6- Heists

*At a coffee shop*

When it comes to keeping a low profile in Los Santo, you could consider putting Peter Parker as one of the best at doing so. Since making the big decision to move to Los Santos thanks to his new connection with Lamar Davis on Lifeinvander, Peter, aka codename Spider has been living the good life thanks to taking huge risks in life. Thanks to him helping out Lamar weaken the Ballas and Vagos street gangs, Peter gains a particular reputation for people wanting to hit him for jobs.

As he casually drinks his coffee, Peter feels his phone vibrating and checks to see who's calling, only to chuckle a bit when seeing the caller id. "What's up Lester?"

"How are you doing Parker? Listen, I'm working on something... something for a mutual acquittance of ours. She needs a crew to help take on a personal heist, but I don't know any more than the two you work with before to help. I thought maybe you'd be interested." Lester Crest reports through the other end of the line. After helping out, Lamar Lester noticed him and contacted him about doing a major heist at the time. Peter had accepted the offer not only to prove himself and earn more reputation but also a little money couldn't hurt.

"So, what's your take on it Lester? Worth the trouble? and who is this mutual person?" Peter asks, wanting to get more input before taking on the job.

"Personally, it's not my cup of tea to deal with. However, the request is from Felicia. If that interests you, be my guest. I can tell her you want in." Lester answers honestly.

Hearing that name again makes Peter heat up a bit. "Felicia huh? Sure set me up." When Peter took on the first job for Lester, he met some interesting individuals, Felicia, aka The Black Cat. For Peter, he would call her Cat for short, and in return, Felicia refer to him by his codename Spider, and they hit it off pretty well despite some difference in how they handle missions. He notices that Felicia would flirt with him a few times, but he chalks it up as her being playful towards him, but still, it would be nice to see her again.

Lester laughs at his now eagerness. "I figure that would pique your attention. I will send the follow-up info." The two hang-ups on each other with Peter recall the last heist and readily his self for the new one.

"At least I get to see Cat again, plus I got nothing else better to do, so I might as well build my rep up even more. Though I am still curious about what this heist is about."

Once Lester sent over the time and location to meet with him, Peter arrives at the apartment ready for anything and everything. He is somewhat unprepared to see the two familiar faces he met during the heist with Felicia.

"Flash. Brock." Peter greets the guy coolly with handshakes.

"Good to see you again Peter." Flash Thompson shakes his hand, who ironically enough went to high school with Peter. He would never have predicted the two being in the business line, but after settling their difference at their high school graduation, it made the new partnership easier to create.

"So, The Spider couldn't resist the cat's charm of a request." Eddie Brock shakes his hand next. While the two didn't go to high school together, Peter was aware of the former journalist's work and expressed how he did get screw over after revealing a particular company's truth. The conversation led to the two gaining mutual respect for the other despite Brock always giving him a hard time.

"Maybe I came because I miss your dark sense of humor." Peter quips.

"While I do have that, don't try to flex on us when it comes to your true intention here." Eddie pushes with Flash revealing a smirk at his friend.

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