Aug 7- Noir

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

Aug 7- Noir

Felicia Hardy didn't know what to do concerning her Spider guy, leaving to help more Spider-people. Sure, she can handle herself in a fight, but that isn't the main concern on her mind. What worries Felicia is that not only has Peter not contacted her but doesn't have any idea if he's doing okay or something terrible happens to him. Staying positive is easier said than does, but she couldn't accept anything less.

So, imagine Felicia's reaction when a teleport appears in her room out of nowhere and outcomes a spider-woman with the man who she once claimed that she didn't want to see again seems to be beaten up and place on her bed. Despite going into a state of shock, Felicia can take in the spider-woman Gwen Stacy's explanation of what went down with Morulm and the inheritors' battle and how she was sorry that Noir Spider-man almost died attempting to sacrificing himself.

Felicia focuses back her attention on the man she loves, with tears now leaking out. "I'm so sorry I brought him back like this." Gwen Stacy says with much guilt in her tone and preparing for the possible lashing that would come.

"Sorry? You're Sorry?!" Felicia questions with a tone that sounds like she's upset.

Gwen braces herself to take on the frustration that Felicia must be feeling at the moment, only to freeze up when Felicia leaps at her and hugs Gwen tightly, crying into her shoulders. "Don't be sorry. You brought him back to me alive. I don't know what I would do otherwise. My stupid, brilliant, wonderful man."

Gwen softly smiles, allowing Felicia to have her moment of letting all of her concerns and fears release from out of her body. After a bit of time, Gwen makes her leave to return home, leaving Felicia to sit and lay side by side Peter to comfort him.

As if he took a quick nap, Peter's eyes slowly start to open, with vision starting blurry with a figure that appears like an angel hovering over him. "Felicia?" He calls out as his vision reverts to normal.

Felicia reveals a warm smile as she rubs the side of his face. "Hey you, how are you feeling?"

"I certainly had much better days, but waking up to you helps with the pain," Peter answers with a smirk.

"Charmer." Felicia quips with amusement over how Peter could make a joke while not at 100%.

"I aim to please. While I do have a lot to share about my multiverse adventure, I am curious about what's the reason for you calling me your stupid, brilliant, wonderful man?" Peter raises an eyebrow causing Felicia to blush madly and slightly turn her head away from him. She didn't expect him to have heard that part of the conversation, but after possibly losing him recently, there's no way Felicia is going to take back though words.

Instead, Felicia decides to reuse a particular conversation that the two had before as a response. "There is no reason that I call you those things."

Peter instantly remembers the time he said something similar to Felicia and what it led to right afterward. In return, he indulges Felicia in her little game as he slowly gets up and confidently says, "Liar." Leading to him reaching for his true love head that is cover as he would describe as beautiful scars and kiss her lips passionately, with Felicia returning the same passion. While they don't know where they go from here, both Peter and Felicia push those thoughts back and pour their emotions into each other.

Authors note: Day 5 is here, with the Noir theme being the most difficult to write. While I know a bit about Noir, I don't have a strong knowledge of writing a story based on his world though I know that he is one of the few Spider-man that would have ended up with Felicia at one point. So, I came up with an alternative take of what if Nori didn't die during the Spider-Geddon event and how the scene when Gwen visits Felicia to tell her the news would play out differently. Sorry about it being very short, I might add a lemon/smut to it later down the road, but I wanted to get something out for this theme.

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