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"Let's break up

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"Let's break up."


"I said let's break up. I'm tired. I realised that I can't make you happy if. . . . Im not happy myself."

"I-I . . . Please . . Don't do this! I love you!"

"I'm tired. I'm sorry."

A blonde hair girl watched the drama and almost cry because of how angst this drama was.

"Yah, Son Seungwan! Close the damn tv and go to sleep oh my god." Her sister, Lisa, said as soon as she walks to the living room.

"Yeah, okay." Wendy said, not listening to her sister who crossed her arm right now.

"No baby!! No!"

"Gosh. This drama is so frustrating." Wendy said and chewed the pizza angrily. "Why are you watching it then?"

"Its because i need an inspiration for my song that I write. Gosh, that Junghoon. How dare he leave the girl alone. Aisshh." Wendy said and shook her head in disappointment.

"Yeah. How about you leave that TV alone and GO TO SLEEP. I swear if mom is still alive, she will beat your ass." Lisa rubbed her temple and went inside her room back.

After 1 hour watching the drama, Wendy decided to go to sleep. She turn off the TV, lights, and went to her room.

She was about to laid on her bed when her phone suddenly ring.

Wendy looked at the contact name and it was Irene.


"I'm outside of your house."

"What the hell, woman? Why?"

"I need my best friend right now.."

"A-Are you crying?"

"OF COURSE NOT! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!!" Irene shouted, making Wendy pull the phone away from her.

She quickly went outside and open the door, revealing a bunny who looks really angry at her best friend.

"Okay. I opened the door for you. You should thank me for once."

"Thanks. SIKE." Irene said and run to Wendy's room.

"YAH! Aish, if i know this would happen, I wouldn't let her in. If Joy was the one who come here, i'm not gonna be mad though." Wendy said to herself and closed the door.

She went inside her room and saw Irene laying on her bed. "Yah, are you sleeping here? If you do, go sleep outside." Wendy said and sit on the chair beside the bed.

"Pfft I'm not. I just have something that stuck in my head! I don't know if I should just tell her or not."


"Hmm Seulgi." Irene said and stood up.

"What do you want to tell Seulgi?" Wendy asked curiously.



"Fine. You know about the letter right?"

"Yeah-" Wendy nodded but she realised something.

"-you're her secret admire?! Is that why you always come to school early?! Because you secretly put the letter inside her locker?!" Wendy said while looked at her in shocked.

"Yes. But I think maybe I should stop sending her the letters and tell her."

"Yeah go girl!" Wendy said and smiled at her.

Both of them laughed and then chatting about something else. It was like 3am and Irene then went to her house.

"Ahhh finally. Its time to sleep. FINALLY." Wendy said to herself and slowly drifted into sleep.

                  ➻ ➻ ➻

It was Saturday and the quintet decided to go to the mall. They were so excited.

"Hey guys!" Wendy smiled as she went inside Seulgi's house. It was huge and comfy.

"So are you guys ready because my dad are ready to drive us to the mall." Seulgi said and all of them nodded.

"Dad!! Let's go!!"

Mr Kang, Seulgi's dad, went downstairs and greet the girls. "Morning, girls. Shall we go now?"

"Yes!!" Yeri shouted and run to the car. "I call shotgun!"

"Yah, Kim Yerim! I'm the one who should sit in front!!" Joy shouted as she and Yeri fighting in front of the car.

"Sorry that you have to see this, dad. They're really crazy." Seulgi said.

"Oh it's okay. I just happy that they showed their real self instead of faking it."

"Maybe because they always thought of you as their father. So they was really happy to be with you."

"Yes. Now tell me, Seul. Do you have a crush on Joohyun?" her dad asked, making the brown hair girl blushed hard.

"W-Wha. I-I.." Seulgi couldn't stop herself from stuttering because she was so nervous about her feelings for Joohyun.

Even though, she has a huge crush on Joohyun since they first meet.

Whenever Joohyun smile or hug her or kiss her cheeks, she will become really nervous and always blushing and stuttering a lot.

Of course when someone talk about Joohyun or call Joohyun name, she will blushing because of how attractive the older are.

"You're bottom, indeed." Mr Kang grinned and leave the blushing bear alone.

"B-Bottom? D-Dad!! WAIT FOR ME!! YAH!!"

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