The Agreement

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"Then it is settled then? The children will marry when Yessica turns 16?" King Martia asks.

"That sounds perfect to me," King Keet responds. To his right his wife, Queen Mallory, sits playing with her future daughter-in-law, Yessica. The little princess is only a few months old but she has already captured the young queen's heart. The door to the study opens as the Kings are signing the treaty. Two princes' come running through and an exhausted nanny follows after them, huffing and apologising profusely. King Martia laughs as his son runs into his arms.

"Chaston, are you giving Ms. Jenny a hard time?" The little prince laughs as he climbs onto his father's lap. He apologizes to King Keet who is also dealing with his own son before they continue discussing the treaty.

5 Years Later

"Princess Yessica!" My Jenny yells chasing after the young princess. She has changed a lot in the past 5 years. She now has curly blonde hair that reaches her shoulders and it is rarely tamed. Her green eyes are always sparkling and her cheeks are rosy from running away from her nannies. "Princess, we need to go to the carriage!" Yessica runs through the halls of the palace when she turns and runs straight into her older brother. He is a spitting image of their father. He has the same dusty brown hair and golden eyes. The eyes of a king. At the age of 9 he easily grabs his little sister's shoulders and stops her in her tracks.

"Yessie, you need to stop torturing Ms. Jenny," he frowns at his sister before letting her go. Yessica sighs and waits as Ms. Jenny catches up to her and her brother. Chaston takes his sister's hand and Ms. Jenny takes the other one before they start to walk down the hallway. Yessica frowns the entire time. Her dad, the king, is sending her to spend the summer with the royal family of another kingdom and she is not happy about it. She wants to stay here with her brother and father and her own servants. They make it out to the doors of the palace where her father stands waiting for her. He picks her up and tosses her into the air to make the princess smile again. He carries her to a carriage and climbs in. Chaston gets in after them and Yessica watches as Ms. Jenny climbs on to the seat in front of the carriage with the driver. With a flick of the reigns they are headed to the port of their kingdom.

It takes about an hour for them to arrive and when they do there are hundreds of people waiting to see the princess off. Her father and brother walk her to the edge of the gangplank to say their goodbyes. Yessica is doing her best to not cry, to look brave for her people. In reality she is scared out of her mind. It will only be for three months but, it seems like forever. She hugs her brother and kisses her father goodbye. Ms. Jenny takes the little princess' hand and leads her onto the boat. Yessica looks over her shoulder and waves goodbye to her kingdom. She stays by the railing until the shore can no longer be seen. Once she is unable to see her home of Martia anymore, the tears fall. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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