Chapter 7: Cows and Closeness

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Today, we were going out. There was a series of ships that traveled around the galaxy, called the space mall. Allura had located them near the castle ship and was letting us explore. Getting necessities, and a much-needed break. We had liberated a few planets already and added them into our resistance, but it was a lot for anyone to do without reprieve. Allura and I had been getting closer and she asked me to go to a cafe with her. Just us. I was excited and nervous. Lance assured me that I wasn't going to mess up. After all, we'd been through, he was sure, Allura couldn't possibly find something out about me to deter our relationship.

Keith and Lance had also been getting closer. I wasn't the only one who noticed. That is if the others teasing meant anything. They had gone with Hunk and Shiro to buy necessities. Apparently, dolling up Keith was one of those 'needs'.When Allura and I had met up with Coran and found them. Shiro and Lance were in the middle of dragging an unwilling Keith into a changing room. Allura and Coran were happy to join in, and Lance soon joins the fashion show with his own new look. We'd all began shopping together at this point. Hunk asking Allura and Coran about different foods he'd seen at shops before.

"My gods it's gorgeous!" Lance squealed.

I, being the only one who knew Spanish, besides Lance, asked. "What are you talking about?"

Lance just pointed, excitement written all over his face. Everyone turned to a cow. An earth cow. Now, Hunk was excited too. Allura and Coran didn't know what it was. Lance fangirled in Spanish, and Hunk explained in English. Allura and Coran, knowing how it felt to lose their home, quickly understood the excitement. The two bartered with the store owner for the cow.

Once we had it Lance wanted to go back to the castle and immediately make a home for it in the stables that Allura had mentioned. Keith offered to go back early with him. Everyone else knew better than to get in the way. So Hunk stayed back after making Lance promise not to milk Kaltenecker, as Lance had so dubbed the cow, without him. As soon as we had dispatched our smaller ship, with Lance, Keith, Kaltenecker, and a good portion of today's spoils, safely, I made I proposal.

"Why don't we watch over them?"

Shiro raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Well, they've never been alone together." I defended quickly. "Keith might be opening up, but he's still awkward around Lance. Who's to say they won't need saving?"

Hunk looked thoughtful. "We could also stop ourselves from ruining a moment by showing up."


Allura grinned, she had always loved a good love story. "I can access the castle's cameras from our ship."

Shiro and Coran were reluctant to spy on them, but the three of us broke them down. I don't think any of us were prepared for what we learned that day.

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