Chapter 20

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"Sacred Treasure, Activate," Meli says and drags his hand along the blade, before attacking the monster and slicing it's armor multiple times with one blow

"What incredible sharpness and speed!! With just that one blade, that giant's beat's arm has been sliced into pieces!" Knights shout

 Albion grows 5 horns and launches 5 fireballs at Meliodas. He multiplies 4 times, their's now 5 of him.

"There's five Sir Meliodas's!?" Arthur shouts

"FULL COUNTER!!" They shout sending the fireballs back at the beast

Meliodas jumps back down into one form and looks at Ayano grinning "Well... I think I managed to blast the core away, what do you think?"

"wonderful performance my dear" Ayano claps

"Sir Meliodas! What the hell was that attack you pulled off just now?!" Arthur asks standing up

"It was the true power I hold with my Sacred Treasure" Meliodas replies

"That's so cool" Arthur says excitedly then turns serious "Now, what's going on? Please tell me"

Meliodas and Ayano look at each other before explaining.

"So to clarify, The Ten Commandments, the elite force that was under the direct command of the Demon King seals in ancients times... And the reason that this overwhelming monster began to move was because of The Ten Commandments have woken from their 3000-year seal... Is that what you both are trying to say?" Arthur asks

"I'm sure you're having a hard time believing it, but it's all true" Meliodas says

Diane jumps down and looks at Meliodas "Captain, does that mean The Ten Commandments that made Albion are even stronger, right? Do... Do we even have a fighting chance against enemies like that?"

"Don't sweat it Diane" Ayano tells her "if me and Meli really get into it you won't have anything to fear"

"Aren't you all forgetting something?" Hawk says and they all look over to the pig curiously "If we have Meliodas's move from earlier, what do we have to be afraid of?" 

"That wasn't exactly my move... It's the Sacred Treasure Lostvayne's special ability, Physical Clone" Meliodas explains as he creates 4 more copies of himself

"Is this an illusion?" Elizabeth asks

"I think so" Ayano replies

"Oh really honey?" Meliodas smirks

Then all his clones smirk at her.

"...I don't like that" Ayano says

Ayano blushes as two Meliodas's go under her skirt, one in the front and back. Another two go on her back groping her breasts. The remaining one kisses her lips.

"Who knows?~" They all say 

Ayano squeaks a little before Slader and Diane punch all of the Meliodas's.

"Don't go harassing Ayano!" Diane shouts

"But she's my fiance" Meliodas smirks "I'm allowed to"

"How did I get stuck with this pervert?" Ayano whines

Merlin clears her throat and steps forward "The clones are just that, clones. They will never be anywhere near the power level of the original. For example, if you only have one, it'll have half the power level of the original. So if you have four clones, that's even further split among the four"

"If you only look at the numbers.." Merlin looks at Hawk "then yes"

"If the user is physical strength type... For example, Diane, the clones created are only good for using weakened moves... However, that's not the with Meliodas" Ayano explains "Meli's 'Full Counter' is a technique that reflects offensive powers with minimal strength used. There is not a sacred weapon more fitting for my future husband than Lostvayne"

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