Chapter 7

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After the Boar Hat closed, the Sins sat around the bar, Ayano was sitting on the counter with her legs crossed.

"I'm not completely sure but the Armor Giant that the holy knights are after might be Gowther" Ayano tells them

"Alright let's go and rescue him" Diane agrees excitedly

"Diane" Meliodas looks up at her "you stay here and protect Elizabeth, can I count on you?"

"yes" Diane smiles "you can count on me"

Meliodas turns to Ayano "you better change before we go, you won't be able to fight in that maid costume"

"hallelujah" Ayano jumps off the counter and rushes upstairs

"I never understood the weird connection between Gowther and Ayano" King says

"don't they both hold the title of the sin of lust?" Ban questions

"that's right" Meliodas answers "don't think too much about it"

"captain you've known Ayano longer then all of us" Diane says "is their something about her that we don't know about?"

Meliodas took a drink, he looked towards the stairs "welcome back Ayano, ready to go?"

Ban and King exchanged a suspicious glance. There was something being hid from them. Ayano appeared at the end of the stairs.

"How did you know I was there?" Ayano questions "you're turning into a real creep captain"

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"How did you know I was there?" Ayano questions "you're turning into a real creep captain"

"I just knew" Meliodas smiles "let's head out"


The sins travel through the forest as quick as they could. King was flying as Meliodas, Ban, and Ayano jumped from branch to branch.

"the magic presence feels a lot stronger now, we're getting close!" King shouts

"But I don't get any sense that it's moving" Ban says

"Either way, keep your eyes open" Meliodas instructs

"The Roars of the Dawn that the soldiers mentioned, I've heard nasty rumors about them plenty of times" Ayano informs them

"When I was on the kingdom's side, I came across them a few times too" King says "they're a wretched order of battle knights who only take on missions to kill their target"

"fine by me" Ban smirks "I'll get to do whatever i want to them without having to hold back"

"ha that's more like it" Ayano agrees excitedly

"you hold back Ayano, no need to torture them" Ban laughs "By the way cap'n! You sure we can take on guys like that without any weapons?"

"what do you think Ban?" Meliodas smirks

"I'm the one asking" Ban laughs

"Now now boys behave" Ayano says before stopping

In front of them stood the armored giant, and around him was dead soldiers. A couple alive Holy Knights were there facing it as well. A couple minutes pass and nobody is moving.

"they haven't moved at all for awhile now" Ayano comments

"yeah" Meliodas says "whoever moves first, loses. They're both waiting for that moment"

"Every single movement, even the batting of an eye, doesn't go unnoticed that's how hard they are concentrating" King explains "If we get any loser, we'll give away our position"

Ayano stares at the armored giant

"is something wrong?" Meliodas asks her

"I'm not sure" Ayano tells him

The Holy Knights suddenly spring into action. Meliodas, Ban, and King quickly go out to defend the armored giant believed to be Gowther. Ayano stands in her spot and her eyes glow red. She scans the area as they fight.

"wait" her eyes deactivate "that's not.."

Suddenly in the middle of everyone fighting, an archer shot a magic arrow at the Armored Giant. Someone quickly caught the arrow with his bare hands, everyone stopped fighting to stare at him. Ayano stood up from her spot in the trees also staring at the green haired boy, before she smiled.

"I knew he'd launch an arrow with everything he had, from my blind spot" the boy looked at the arrow "and if things had gone according to plan, this would've been enough to protect it" the giant's armor started breaking apart "but the roars of dawn are pretty formidable. With just four blows, your intense attacks were more than enough to shatter this armor"

He turns towards the armored giant "but i'll make you pay dearly for breaking the seal, humans"

"did he say... seal?" one of the holy knights question

Ayano finally jumps down from her spot "I knew something was off"

"My true identity is.." the boy's hair turned from green to dark pink "One of the Seven Deadly Sins, the goat sin of lust, Gowther"

Ayano walks over to him and stares into his eyes

"Hello Ayano" Gowther greets "it is me"

"Just making sure" Ayano smiles "welcome back, brother"

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