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the boys are chilling back on bighit's building, each of them embodying an undiscovered shape with how they positioned their bodies throughout the room.

honestly, namjoon's position is the scariest; his long legs looks like its all tied together while his arms are sprawled out like a kinky starfish that's chained to the bed.

jimin is bored out of his mind, however, and is contemplating going live or just to continue his journey on staring at the wall to prove his hypothesis that if you stare at the wall long enough, you will become one.

yes, dont worry, i dont understand him neither.

he stands up, and decides to walk around the building as if he cannot already navigate the building with his eyes closed.

he thinks about annoying mister lee, but decides against it.

but of course, like any other indecisive creature in the world, he decided against deciding against it and walks towards his office.

he is about to enter unannounced and scream surprise! in an attempt to qualify at a horror movie as a jumpscare expert, but when he hears a different voice inside, he stops.

dont get me wrong, okay? you are extremely impressive but no matter your abilities, we have to stick by the policies. its your first time, i know, but i didnt want you thinking its okay just because you did your job. we'll fire you even if you're the best for the job but you failed to follow the simple rules.

that was mister lee's voice, and jimin furrows his brows in curiosity.

and maybe he is eavesdropping, but being park jimin has its own perks.

of course, sir. i totally understand. thank you for giving me another chance.

oh, jimin thought, that's lisa's voice.

the poor boy stumbles to get out of the way when he realizes that lisa is about to go out.

jimin is about to walk away after that, but stops when he catches a glimpse of lisa's face.

its a mix of sadness, confusion and a sprinkle of being upset and a grr vibe on top of all that.

jimin didn't know what came over him, as he isnt really that close to the girl, but his precious heart can't handle to see sadness in someome else's face.


okay, so maybe he should've announced himself better, as lisa was startled enough to jump and place a hand over her heart.

"you scared me," lisa breathes out, "but hey. are you about to talk to him too?"

jimin shakes his head, "no, im just walking around. you wanna come with?"

jimin doesnt know what reply he was expecting when he just asked out of courtesy, but he couldn't help the little sadness he felt when the girl shakes her head politely.

"i wouldn't want to intrude."

jimin chuckles, "what are you talking about? I actually would appreciate a little company right now."

lisa tilts her head, "and its okay for that company to be me?"

jimin smiles sweetly, "of course."

and so, the two walk around the building with jimin acting like a professional bighit tour guide with his spontaneous, suspicious trivias and "facts" about certain parts of the building.

lisa finds the "this was the hallway that namjoon found worthy of catching his unicorn colored puke and where he laid down on it to make a puke angel" the most doubtful, but it didn't affect the amount of laughter that it took out of her.

they settle at the canteen, eating ice cream and having the place to themselves at the time.

"what were you doing in mister lee's office anyway?" jimin asks.

lisa shrugs, "he was just reminding me of the late things. i understand him, honestly, even if i was able to do my job, its no excuse to be late. i cant get cocky in this work."

jimin nods, "well, you do have a point there.

oh! did you know youre the first make-up artist since mina to last this long?"

"well, i do know that your pranks are the best 'go away' sign you can do," lisa laughs, "what's up with that anyway? wouldn't you get in trouble with the media?"

jimin continues to eat his beloved ice cream, "we actually do genuinely apologize, and we work it out. but when we ask them to come back, they politely decline because they realized they dont want this kind of stressful job.

i dont know why we continue it honestly, but we can't stop? yours were the worst, but i dont know. we really are sorry though."

lisa shakes her head with a smile,"no point in staying in the past anyway right? its done.

besides, i think the reason for your pranks is just your want to do what normal people do in your ages, you know? just pranks, having fun, or whatever. thats no excuse to turn my make-up into dust," lisa points a finger like a  threat,"but i do somehow understand where youre coming from."

jimin stares at her for a few seconds, in awe, but his hands suddenly did its thing and used the spoon as a catapult to shoot ice cream at her face.

there was silence, for a while.

but lisa full-on used her hands to throw ice cream on jimin's face and next thing they knew, they were on a full ice cream fight.

the last hit was jimin, and the boy thought it was over due to the lack of ice cream.

but lisa literally could not back down, it was torture in her nature to lose, so she goes ahead and wipes the ice cream on her face on jimin's possibly $20,000 shirt.

jimin screams out, "this is gucci!"

"and my make-up is worth all the blood and sweat and tears of my entire being which is priceless so dont act all baby now."

jimin runs after lisa.

until lisa runs into, literally smacking, into taehyung's even more expensive gucci top.

thats when lisa stops laughing.

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