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" Jimin, you ready ?"
Yoongi calls for the omega from the living room. He grabs the car keys, and starts walking outside but then decides to stand in the doorway and wait for Jimin.

" Coming."
Jimin walks out of the room all dressed up. Yoongi eyes his every moment from his position. The gray t-shirt looks too big hanging around his small frame, exposing his collarbones.

" Just let me grab my coat."
Jimin moves towards the hanger, putting on the beige overcoat.

" Let's go."
Yoongi watches the younger walk heavily towards the car. He walks slowly, careful with each step. The smile never leaves his face and that's what makes Yoongi nervous. He knows how much it will affect the younger if the test came out negative, he didn't want to see an upset Jimin.

" Hyung~"
Jimin whines from the car , signaling Yoongi to come fast.

The drive was full of Jimin's happy singing and laughter, the past two weeks have been like that. Jimin tried his best to stay happy and not stress over anything. And Yoongi was there to make sure he followed all the precautions.

" Are you nervous ?"
Yoongi asks suddenly, his voice a bit husky from not speaking for so long.

" No."
Jimin whispers but his actions speak otherwise. Yoongi watches his leg bouncing in anxiety as he rubs his thighs.

" Stop."
Yoongi put his free hand on Jimin's thigh, the bouncing stopped soon, but Jimin's heart started racing at the intimate touch. He tries to divert his mind, but nothing helps.

Yoongi's hand stayed on his thigh the whole ride. Yoongi's gaze was too focused on the road to witness Jimin squirming under his touch.
Jimin relaxes once Yoongi lets go to change the gears.

" And we're here."
Yoongi looks at the back trying to park the car in a good position, one hand on the steering wheel while the other one on the gears.

Jimin gasped, at that moment Yoongi just looked so seductive that his mind was not in the right place. A man parking a car was never sexy to him before this.

" What ?"
Yoongi pulls the hand break, looking at Jimin with raised eyebrows.

" What ?"
Jimin looks at him with innocent eyes as if he was not thinking about him just a second before.
" You were staring."
Yoongi states with a smirk on his face.

" I was not."
Jimin shakes his head, twisting in the car seat. Yoongi leans in closer to him, his eyes fixed on Jimin. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He sits frozen, closing his eyes as he feels the warm breaths striking across his nape. He inhales the older's oceanic scent , Yoongi smells like mountain air.

Jimin opens his eyes when he hears the clink sound, Yoongi unbuckles his belt. He felt the heat rush to his face, he covered his face in embarrassment at his thoughts.


" Mr. Park, how're you doing ?"
The doctor smiles on seeing him, gesturing to them to take a seat.
" I'm doing good."
Jimin returns it with a smile.

" Did you follow the instructions ?"
" I made sure he did."
Yoongi answers in his place, smiling at the doctor.

" That's great, shall we start with the check up then?”
Both of them stood up from the chairs, letting the doctor guide them to the room.

" Please lay there Mr Park."
The doctor gestures towards the bed and Jimin follows immediately after. His eyes moved shakily around the room as he took in the equipments lying in the corner.

" Lift up your shirt."
Jimin lifted it up, not liking it when the cold wind struck his bare skin.
" Lay this around your clothes."
The doctor passes him a towel and a thin paper sheet, Yoongi looks at him ready to help but Jimin declines. He places the towel around his clothes just leaving out his stomach.

" This will be a little cold."
The doctor brings a bottle upto him, spreading the blue gel on his stomach. Once the gel is poured out he brings a little object with him , Jimin eyes Yoongi in nervousness. Yoongi was quick to take the hint and stood closer to him, placing his hand on his shoulders.

The doctor moves the machine around his abdomen, his eyes fixed on the monitor as he tried to find something.

" Ahh found it."
The doctor exclaims, bringing the machine back on the specific spot. He points towards a big dark circle that was visible on the screen.

" That's your baby."
The words 'your baby' was enough to make Jimin emotional, he stared at the screen, his vision becoming a bit blurry.

Yoongi squeezes his shoulder lightly making Jimin look at him. He looks at Yoongi through his glassy eyes who just smiles at him and continues to rub his neck and shoulder.

" It's just the size of a pea right now. But it'll grow soon."
The doctor smiles, trying to look at the baby from some other angles.

" Do you want some pictures ?"
Jimin seemed to be too dazed to answer so Yoongi replied from his side.

" Yes please."
The doctor nods, placing the machine back on to the stand. He hands him a towel to clean the gel.

" Congratulations, Mr Park."
The doctor congratulates him once they're back in the office.

" Thank you."
Jimin smiles widely, just as a spring flower opens. Yoongi sees how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him.

" I'll prescribe some vitamins to you, don't skip them."
The doctor says this while looking at Yoongi as if telling him to take proper care of the younger.

" Remember don't stress and keep your mind and body relaxed."
Both nod their heads in agreement.

" That's it for now. We'll meet again after the third month. Take care Mr Park."
The doctor waves off the couples, a satisfied grin on his face.

" Wow , I still can't believe it."
Jimin whispers in a particular soft voice, his left hand resting on the stomach while the other holds the sonogram. Yoongi quickly captures the younger's expression, the bubble of excitement bursting inside him as he spots the dark circle supposed to be the baby.

" Hyung, I'm craving ice cream."
Jimin looks at Yoongi with his puppy eyes.

" Jimin, the carving usually starts during the second trimester. Plus it's winter, I don't want you to get sick."

" Yoongi please."

Yoongi tries not to look into Jimin's eyes because if he did he won't be able to resist them.

" Jimin no."
He says in a stern voice , eyeing Jimin from a side eye.

He sees as the pout grows bigger on his lips and he starts sulking.
" Okay."
He hangs his head low. Shit, Yoongi thinks biting his tongue.

" Ah okay okay. I'll get you an ice cream."
Jimin instantly brightens up at that.

" You're the best."
He shows him a thumbs up and Yoongi laughs questioning to himself if he'll be able to handle the younger's mood swings or not.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now