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" Jimin, wake up.”
Yoongi knocks on the door of Jimin's room, but he already knows that the younger isn't going to wake up this easily.

" Jimin.."
He tried again but there was no answer.
He sighs before twisting the door knob and letting himself in. Jimin is sleeping on the bed peacefully, the blanket lying on the floor as he curls into himself for warmth.

" Jiminie, it's your meditation time.”
Yoongi proceeds with opening the curtains, the sunlight making Jimin flinch his eyes.

" Hyung, it's sunday.”
Jimin whispers before turning to the other side, so his back is facing Yoongi now.

" I know it's Sunday, but it's already 11. Get your lazy ass up."
He folds the cover up nicely, putting them back in the cupboard.

" Wanna sleep."
He mumbles again, making Yoongi laugh at his cute voice.
" No baby, you have to get up now.”
Jimin feels butterflies in his stomach at the nickname, but he tries to not be subtle about it.

He finally decides to get up, stretching his arm a bit as he yawns past his mouth.
" The baby is making me tired."
Jimin points at his belly which is still flat, trying to put the blame on the baby. Yoongi finds this adorable.

" You're only two months pregnant, but you behave like you're in your eighth month." Yoongi shakes his head, moving out of the room.

Jimin soon follows after him, a tired groan leaves his mouth as he sees the yoga mats lying on the floor.
Yoongi lightly pushes him towards the mat, turning on the stretching exercise.

" Let's go 1.. 2.. 3.."
Yoongi instructs as he stretches to his left and right.

Jimin smiles to himself at that, laughing when Yoongi practically pushes his butt into his face.
" Jimin, stop laughing. Focus on the exercise." Jimin bites his cheek to control his laughter , following Yoongi's order.

He was thankful that Yoongi was with him during this time, it started feeling so normal to him that he didn't want to imagine what his life would feel like after 8 months.


" Here's your breakfast sir. Bon appetit."
Yoongi places the food in front of Jimin , who just looks at the food with a boring look in his eyes.

" You have to take your vitamins, hurry up." Yoongi points towards his wrist watch, pushing the plate a bit more forward.

Jimin toys with the salad for a bit before taking a bite, he fakes a smile as the bland taste settles down on his taste buds.


" Jimin-ah, are you free ?"
Yoongi knocks on the open door, obtaining Jimin's attention.

Jimin sits up straight on seeing Yoongi, closing the book that he was reading earlier.
" Oh yes hyung. I'm free."
Yoongi takes that as his cue to enter the room. He eyes the book first, 'What to expect when you're expecting' the cover read.

" Hope I'm not disturbing you."
He takes the seat on the corner of the bed.
" No, not at all. I'm totally free."
Jimin assures him.

" I just thought I should start working on the article."
Jimin nods to that, remembering that article was the reason why Yoongi was here in the first place.

" Okay, so you'll ask me questions and I'll answer them ?"
Yoongi hums in reply, opening his laptop.

He takes out his working glasses from his pocket and puts them on. His professional look has Jimin being a goner for him. It reminds him of the old days when they used to visit the library to study together. Yoongi would be busy with his books and Jimin would be busy staring at him.

" Let's start with how you felt when you heard the news."
Jimin thinks not only does his looks change but his voice is also different from his usual self when he switches to his professional mode. It's more deep and stern.

Jimin looks away from him, if he keeps on staring at him he won't be able to answer the questions.

" Honestly, the first feeling was somewhat a mix of fear, happiness and anxiousness. I was scared,  I know I wanted this and I was more than happy to achieve this. But in 99% happiness there is that 1% fear."
Yoongi looks at Jimin as he says those words.

" Will I be good enough for my baby? Will I be able to give them the life that they deserve? These kind of thoughts keep running through my mind."

" You'll be."
Yoongi answers, his eyes still fixed on the laptop screen as he continues typing. Jimin smiles at that, he feels warm.

" But all in all, I was happy. I'm happy. I don't even have some high quality words to express my feelings. "
He laughs lightly.

" I cried from happiness that day and I think that was enough to tell about how I felt."
Yoongi nods, it's enough.

" How's the first two months been for you? Any specific changes that you experienced in your body ?"
Jimin thinks for a second before answering.

" I feel tired."
He states as his lips go down to form a pout and Yoongi can't help but to hide a smile as he notes it down.

" I don't feel like I've any kind of mood swings though."
Yoongi begs to differ, he has seen how Jimin was extra pouty these days. Always using his puppy eyes to get his demands fulfilled. But he thinks it's cute.

" And thank god, I don't really have any morning sickness."
Yoongi remembers how the younger hates to be sick and he doesn't want to watch him in that state.

Yoongi kept asking him some more questions after that, finally leaving the room after he was satisfied with it. He pulled an all nighter to finish the article, only resting after the article was finished and mailed to the head editor.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now