Chapter 24: The Missing Mafia Pendant

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"Nakatanggap ako ng text message galing kay Courtney. Kararating lang nila sa bahay nina Alex." Thelina informed as she approaches me as I was talking to Alvin.

Alvin Demarisilio is the new leader of Ozna after the HEAD decided to demote the former leader due to his consistent irresponsibility recently. Therefore, the issue about getting the school's security tighter will be passed on to him. There shall never be any student who will go back and forth of the premises without any proper process.

I excused myself from him for a moment and took a glance on Thelina who is still holding her smartphone. "Is that so? Then, good." I replied bluntly. I can't choose whether I will take this opportunity or not.

The five highest ranking Heads have been keeping a secret from the rest of us. They are somewhat aware of the fuss that has been happening here but I wonder why they won't tell us.

We are a group. We pledged our allegiance to each other the day we were declared as the new set of Heired Eminence Approbate Decarchy. That is why... My feelings are being swayed. My mind is being wrecked.

"May pagkakaparehas talaga kayo ni Spade. Napapatulala at nagpapalutang-lutang ang isip niyo kapag may iniisip kayo ng sobra pero hindi niyo mailabas. What is it, Collen Matthew Lee? Tell me."

Surpresa agad ang bumakas sa mukha ko nang marinig ko ang mga iyon sa mismong bibig ni Thelina. She's an observant type of woman yet shuts her mouth about it. Just like how she knew that Marc has been affected by what Jonathan called as Alex Syndrome.

All of us except from that dense and insensitive idiot, Marco Joe Llanes knew about Thelina Ray Valdez's true feelings. Mula pagkabata ba naman ay magkasama na sila. How could you not expect something to bloom? However, the casanova is not the type to fall on that kind of logic. That is why she always seals her mouth whenever that idiot is talking about Alex or asking about Alex.

"Actually, I've been dying to ask —"

"Guys! Come here! You have to see this!" Alexis yelled to the top of his lungs.

Geez. When would I be able to ask her about it? This is only the chance to know. And here goes the another idiot interrupting the setting and mood. Seriously. Bagsak ang mga balikat ko naman siyang nilingon. "What is it?"

Pero, bago pa man siya makasagot sa itinatanong ko ay naalarma na ako sa mga estudyanteng kapwa nagsisigawan at nagkukumpulan sa may bandang papuntang Russet Building kung saan matatagpuan ang mga klase ng mga nasa junior high. What is it this time?

Mhorfell Academy of Gangsters (Now Published Under PSICOM Publishing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon