The Commute

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Abby's P.O.V.

"Do you have everything packed?" Mom asks walking into my room.

"Yeah I think so." I say looking around my room.

"Ugh how long are you going to be in New York for?" Mom asks with a sigh.

Mom hates to see me far away from home on my own.

"I told you I will be there for a week tops." I say with an assuring smile.

"I know but I just hate to see you so far." Mom says sadly.

"I promise I am a phone call away, and I will call more than once a day." I say with a smile giving Mom a hug.

"I know, you're sometimes a pain in the ass with how much you call." Mom says jokingly with a smile which makes me laugh.

"Yeah I know." I say with a wink.

"Have you heard from Tom?" Mom asks

Yes, I had a fling with Tom Holland while we were filming a Spider-Man movie.

"No I haven't Mom." I sigh zipping up my suitcase.

To be honest this a topic I don't want to talk about. Yes those feelings were there and may still be there but I don't know.

"Do you think you should call him and talk about if you guys are an item or not?" Mom asks not sure if she should've asked.

"Nope on the last day he was in the states he said bye and I said bye. It was a short relationship nothing serious. I will see him when we go back to filming the new movie in March." I say looking up at her.

"Yeah I guess so." Mom says with a smile.

"Are you ready for New York." Mom says with a smile.

"Heck yeah I am. Its modeling for PINK and being on Saturday Night Live." I say with a smile making Mom laugh.

"I guess you're right." Mom says with a smile.

Walking downstairs with my suitcase, Dad grabs it for me to carry it to my car.

"I'll see you both in a week." I say with a smile.

"Yes you will. You are going to rock it my rockstar." Dad says with a smile.

"I love you Dad." I say with a smile.

"Love you too rockstar." Dad says with a smile giving me a hug.

"You promise you're going to call everyday?" Mom asks.

"I promise Mom, I love you." I say with a smile giving her a hug.

"I love you too." Mom says with a smile.

I got into my car and waved to my parents as I drove off.

Pete's P.O.V.

"So are you excited for Abby to guest star on the show on Saturday."  John Mulaney asks with a smile.

"Yeah dude have you see her that new Spider-Man movie? She's incredible." I say with a smile.

"Wait. I thought you liked Batman more than Spider-Man?" Mulaney asks

"Yeah I do but Abby is that good that I watched the movie." I say with a smile making Mulaney laugh.

"O don't worry we'll make sure you have a few skits with her." Mulaney says with a smirk sending a wink my way.

"Yeah we wrote a Chad skit for the two of you." Keenan says with a smile walking over to us.

"Wait you guys already wrote a skit for us?" I ask

"Yeah we asked Abby what her favorite skit was and she said Chad skits and Uncle Meme skits." Keenan says with a smile sitting down with us.

"Really?" I ask in shock.

"Yeah. She said she has a sticker on her laptop that says "okay.-Chad" and don't say that I told you but fans caught a picture of her laptop and there is also a sticker of you." Keenan says like he just spilled the tea.

"Yeah alright you guys can stop screwing with me." I say with an eye roll.

"Dude we're not." Mulaney says with an amused smile.

"Yeah whatever guys I gotta go see what skits I am going to be in this week." I say with a smile getting up and heading to my dressing room.

Abby's P.O.V.

Its around 6 at night the time I get to my hotel that I will be staying at for the week. After I park my car I check in. Once I get up to my room, I put my suitcase down and just lie on the bed. Tomorrow I have to go to SNL and I am so nervous to meet Pete Davidson.

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