Staten Island

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Abby's P.O.V.

My first day at SNL studio went amazing, I am grateful to be a guest star this week on the show. I am currently back in my hotel room waiting for Pete to pick me up so I can go to his house tonight. While scrolling through instagram I get a text from Pete

Pete: Hey weird question and you can totally say no, but since we have to be at the studio early tomorrow do you want to sleep over?

Abby: Umm what type of question is that? I would love to!

Pete: Awesome, I will be at your hotel in 20 minutes.

Wow this guy is something, I think my celebrity crush is turning into a real crush.  Walking over to my closet I take out a pair of pajamas, an outfit for tomorrow, my stuff to shower, toothbrush, hair brush and makeup. Once I have everything picked out I pack it into an overnight bag. I make sure to grab my laptop and its charger as well as my phone charger. As I zipping up my bag I got a text. I look at my phone to see Pete texted me

Pete: Hey I am outside the hotel

Abby: Okay see you in a few.

I grab my over night bag, phone, purse and room key and head towards the parking lot. Luckily there was no paparazzi when I walked to Pete's car. Once I reached his Range Rover Pete got out and opened the passenger side door for me.

"Wow what a gentlemen." I say with a smile climbing into the passenger side.

"Only for you gorgeous." Pete says with a smile making me blush while he closes the door.

Pete puts my bags in the backseat and the jogs around to the driver's side. Once he puts on his seatbelt he turns on Machine Gun Kelly.

"Wow you are defiantly a mind reader." I say with a smile

"And why is that?" Pete asks with a smirk as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"Machine Gun Kelly" I say with a smile.

"Well he is one of my best friends." Pete says with a smile.

"Hmm I have heard that somewhere or I may have seen it in Big Time Adolescences." I say

"You've seen my movie?" Pete asks in shock.

"Like I said I am big fan. I as well seen the King of Staten Island." I say with a smile and a small giggle making Pete laugh as well.

Pete's P.O.V.

I can't believe she likes my movies and skits on SNL, that's crazy awesome.

"So as you probably know I live with my mom." I say as we turn on to my street.

"Wait I thought you guys were roommates now?" Abby asks making me laugh as she refers to the Mothers Day Weekend Updated Mom and I did.

"Yeah something like that." I say with a smile.

"Well it'll be fun either way." Abby says with a smile.

Turning into my driveway, I open the garage and pull in. Once parked I get out of the car and jog over to open the passenger door for Abby.

"Thank-you" Abby says with a smile getting out of the car.

"Of course. Let me get your bags." I say with a smile getting her bags out of the backseat.

"Here I can carry them." Abby says reaching out for her bags.

"Nonsense you are the guest." I say with a smile making Abby giggle.

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