Meeting The Cast

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Abby's P.O.V.

I wake up and get my clothes before taking a shower. Once I get out the shower I blow dry my hair, brush it and brush my hair. I change into my outfit

Once in my outfit I put on some light makeup

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Once in my outfit I put on some light makeup. Looking at the time I see it is and it is around 9:30 in the morning. I decide I have time to go get some Starbucks. Grabbing my keys, phone and wallet I walk from my hotel room to my car.

I plug my phone into the aux chord and my Machine Gun Kelly and Halsey playlist starts to play. Next thing I know I am pulling into the Starbucks drive through.

"Hi welcome to Starbucks what can I get you today?"

"Hi can I please get a venti white chocolate mocha iced with no whip cream please."

"Yeah, that'll be $5.45 we'll see you at the window."

When I pull up to the window I pay my coffee with the Starbucks app as well as tipping them through the app. The cashier hands me my drink and I am off to SNL's filming studio.

"Hi you must be Abby. I am Louis and I am one of the production managers here at SNL." Louis says with a smile sticking his hand to me for me to shake.

"Yeah that's me. It's nice to meet you." I say with a smile shaking his extended hand.

"If you would like to follow me I will show you where the rest of the cast is, today we will be talking about what skits to do this week." Louis says with a smile.

"Yeah sounds good." I say with a smile.

I follow Louis as he gives me a small tour on the way where the rest of the cast is.

"So there is where the live studio audience usually sit." Louis says pointing to the seats.

"Then there's the stage" Louis says pointing the the stage.

"And here is where the rest of the cast are." Louis says with a smile opening the door to the Skit Room.

"Hello everyone this is Abby and Abby this is everyone." Louis says with a smile.

"Not to come off weird you guys do not have to introduce yourselves because I am a huge fan of the show so I am very familiar with your names." I say with a smile making everyone smile in a row.

"See told you she would be a perfect guest star." Mulaney says with a smile making me blush.

"Alright Abby you will be sitting next to Pete." Louis says with a smile.

Mulaney was trying to be sly but I caught him sending a wink Pete's way when Louis said that.

I walk over and take my seat next to Pete.

"Hey I'm Pete" Pete says with a smile

"Hey, I'm Abby. I am a huge fan of yours." I say with a smile making Pete blush.

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