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Abby's P.O.V.

"So what should we write for the script?" Pete asks with a smile as he grabs his laptop. 

"Good question. Let's think." I say with a smile grabbing my laptop out of my backpack. 

"Is that me on your laptop?" Pete asks as I put my laptop on my lap. 

"O god yeah. Are you freaked out?" I ask nervously putting my face in my hands. 

"Nope. I actually think it's really cute." Pete says with a smile sitting down next to me removing my hands away from my face. 

"Really?" I ask with surprise. 

"Of course" Pete says with a smile still holding my hands.

We stare at each other for what seems for a while but in reality it is only two minutes. I look out our hands in intertwined. I clear my throat and pull my hands away.

"So for the script. I was thinking we could do Gwen goes into the alley like on the movie and of course Chad dressed as Spider-Man "beats up" the bad guys. Then when he's done he comes over to Gwen and acts all Chad." I say with a smile typing on my laptop. 

"Yeah that's a good start. I was thinking then when you're like "I can kiss you right now" I say "o word" but when you turn around debating if you should kiss me I pull my mask off. You then say "I don't even know who are" then I put my mask back on and say "o my bad"." Pete says with a smile as I write all this down on my laptop. 

Pete's P.O.V.

"Then Gwen can pull his mask up above his lips, just kiss me, only if you're okay with that. Then you ask who I am and I say "only your friendly neighbor Chad of Staten Island"." I say with a smile as Abby is writing it all done. 

"Yes perfect" Abby says with a smile looking at me.

"Are you okay with the kiss?" I ask nervously.

"Of course I am." Abby says with a smile.

"I just don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." I say 

"Do you not want to do the kiss?" Abby asks shyly.

"What? Of course I do. Look at you you're gorgeous." I say with a smile making Abby blush.

"Thank-you. You're not too bad yourself Davidson." Abby says nudging my shoulder making me blush as well. 

"Alright I was thinking we are good tonight with writing." I say with a smile putting mine and Abby's laptops on the counter in the kitchen. 

"Me too. So now can we finish our Harry Potter marathon." Abby asks giving me puppy dog eyes making me laugh.

"Yeah" I say with a smile sitting next to Abby on the couch wrapping my arm around her waist as she rests her head on my chest and I hit play on the Chamber of Secrets. 

About half through the movie Mulaney texts me 

Mulaney: How is the writing going?

Pete: Good we pretty much finished writing the Spider-Chad Script.

Mulaney: That's great is there any smooching tonight?

Pete: Dude what the hell we just met? But there is a kiss taking place during the skit.

Mulaney: Oooo scandalous

"Who you texting?" Abby asks with a smile.

"Just Mulaney asking if we finished the script." I say with a smile looking down at Abby.

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