Chapter Ten

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Michael's POV
I closed the door with my foot and carried the groceries too the bench by the fridge and set them down. As I put away my groceries I kept thinking about what happened earlier. After I dropped off Emma at moms I tried to forget what happened but I couldn't there was this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that kept saying "You idiot you should have kissed her then you would be a 100% sure that she didn't like you." The more I tried to shrug that thought from my brain the louder it got. After the groceries were put away I went over to my green chair and practically fell in it from exhaustion. Between teaching Emma how to fight and having a war with my self I was physically and mentally exhausted. Just I was getting comfortable there was a knock at the door. I groaned and got out of the chair and dragged myself to the door just as I was about to unlock it another knock was at the door only ten times louder. As I unlocked the door I yelled, "I AM COMING!!!" As I threw open the door I was met by my angry mother. She pushed right past me and before I could say anything Fiona, Sam, and Jessie walked in Jessie in particular looking like he wanted to punch something. Once they were all in I closed the door and locked it.
I said, "What are you guys doing here and why does Jessie look like he wants to punch something?"

Mom replied, "Probably because he does."
"What does he want to punch?"

Jessie spoke up and said, "It is a who and it happens to be YOU!"
Okay now I'm confused but before I can do anything Jessie is coming at me and Sam grabs him and says, "He is probably confused of why we are here maybe we should explain before we go and punch him Jessie."

"Yeah I am definitely confused. Anyone want to tell me why you're here and Jessie wants to kill me?"

I look at Fiona and she is just glaring at me same as my mom.
Jessie speaks up, "We are here because of Emma."
HUH!? "What?"
Jessie then says, "You know for a super spy you sure are blind as to what goes on around you."
"Okay Jessie still don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about the fact that you almost kissed Emma."
"Oh dear Lord. She told you?" I ask a little confused of why she told them since nothing happened.

Jessie then says, "Yes, she told us but we forced her."
"Still confused."
This time my mother speaks up, "Oh my God. Michael you are so blind."

Oh lord I don't know what I'm missing but it must be huge, "What am I missing here. Nothing happened."

Everyone then shouts, "EXACTLY!"

"What do you mean?" At this point that nagging feeling in the back of my head is yelling "I TOLD YOU SO."

Fiona then talks, "The facts are right in front of you but since you need some more help I will tell you some other clues. After you dropped her off she went straight to her room and cried herself to sleep after she told us what happened. She dropped a glass bowl while watching you exercise and she blushes everytime you're around. Got enough clues yet?"

I piece all the clues together and say, "She wanted me to kiss her."
"YES!", everyone yells.
As I'm processing this I realise all the hidden signs that weren't so hidden probably would have registered if I would have quit going into a daze while I was around her. As this is sinking in my mom says, "In case you were wondering what you told her in the car really hurt her." The conversation that we had came back and hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Oh God I screwed up but it wouldn't work I have to many issues and she wouldn't be able to last in my world,"I state.

My mom then said, "Everyone out except Michael." Everyone left then she looked me dead in the eyes and said, "Michael you know that's a load of bull crap. You have your flaws yes but so does she and to be honest if anyone could last in your world she would. She has seen the hardest, meanest, and cruelest side of your world she doesn't know where her parents are or what happened to them and I know it causes her pain but when you are around she seems to forget about that. She has been with us a little over a month and she has changed you in so many ways. The fact is Michael you are both broken but your broken pieces fit together. So Michael if you're being honest with yourself you both need each other. She makes you happy Michael and you make her happy. Please make this right and don't push her away she's been hurt enough already and I can see you both love each other you are just both scared to admit it for different reasons."

After mom finished her speech I realized just how right she was. I sighed and said, "I will mom. I promise. I will call her tomorrow morning so I'm not disturbing her tonight and so I can plan how this goes." She looked at me with a smile and said, "Sounds like a plan and Michael don't plan it use your heart."

After mom left Jessie comes back in and punches me square in the jaw and then says, "Sorry man I heard what you and your mom said but she's like my baby sister I had to punch you at least once." As I'm holding my jaw I say, "No problem Jessie I deserved it." "Hell right you did. Let me know how it goes tomorrow." "Will do Jessie."

After they all left I decided to head to bed and pray that I could fix this.

_______________________________________A.N.- GO MOMMA MADDIE AND JESSIE. Let me know what you think  and shout-out to @AnjaBelec for commenting and voting.

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