4. Morning

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Junshua 💕

"Hi minghao", joshua greets the boy inside which is the owner of the cafe at morning and also the chef.

"Oh..hi hyung", minghao give a smile to joshua before realising seungcheol precense as well.

"Good morning. Welcome to the Carat cafe", minghao greets.

"Hi. So, you must be the half-owner", seungcheol start.

"Uhmm...no, i'm a human", minghao replies make seungcheol shocked in embarrasment while joshua chuckling.

"Oh...uhm i-..", seungcheol really dont know how to answer that, well, fact.

"Jk. Yeah, im the owner of this cafe at the morning", minghao said, softer now. "So, what is your order?"

"Pancake for me", joshua orders.

"And just a cup of coffee for me"

"Okay, please wait"minghao bows before start preparing everyrhing he need.

"I'm going to the loo ", joshua announces before walking away.

Seungcheol feel sad to come to the cafe at that time  actually since he know this is where he break his promise to his precious boyfriend. But part of him, still want to get a lil inform about that twin.

"Minghao, right?", the younger hums as he walk to Seungcheol with the coffee he ordered.

"Thanks. Uhm.. I want to ask something", and minghao hums again before working with joshua's pancake.

"Are you joshua's friend?", he asked.

"Do i look like his foe?"

"Well...no", 'gosh, even his friends is like him'

"Then, thats mean you know the fact that he have a twin", seungcheol asks again.

"Why did you care?", minghao said as he start baking the pancake.

He sighs before answering the question "i'm his friend and yeah, of course i know he have a twin. We're friend..isn't that a basic info when you're having a relay with anyone?"

"Okay", seungcheol slightly taken aback by that fact since..he is jeonghan's boyfriend but he dont have any idea about joshua.

"Then..how to know which is who?"

"You can't?", seungcheol nodded

"Uhmm..im not stupid like you" minghao teases.

"Hey!", the eldest yelled.

"Dont yell. This is a cafe not a club. I can still hear you. Anyway, you heard him call me by my name right? Unlike him, Jeonghan hyung will call me sunflower like how he call chan his baby. Jeonghan hyung is bubbly all the time and its still too early for him to wake up around this time"

"Aaahhhh" tbh, he want to ask more question but decided not to because minghao is quite scary.

Sooner than later, joshua finally come back.

"What make you take too much time?", seungcheol asked.

"Why the hell you want to know what I'm doing in the toilet. Dont you know what privacy is?", joshua frowns.

"Im just asking", seungcheol mumbled.

"Here hyung. Your pancake is done", minghao hand him the plate before asking "who is this talking machine hyung? He keep asking me unnecessary question"

"This is Choi Seungcheol. He is jeonghan's boyfriend"

"Wait. You know I'm his boyfriend?"

"I'm his twin. Can you stop asking dumb question? Im getting tired answering it", joshua  said.

"I know. He is so annoying", minghao joins.

"Can you guys stop bashing on me like im not here?", seungcheol said in frustation.

"Stop asking then", the younger both said in unison.

Seungcheol pouts but decided not to say anything since the boys infront him now is a meanie.

"Anyway",that's minghao and he's definitely didn't talk to seungcheol "how's life, hyung?"

"Great. Same as usual. Just, jeonghan got into an accident last night", thats word make seungcheol feel guilty again.

"For real? Im so sorry to hear that. I'll visit him later with jun"

"Thanks. Anyway, how's jun doing?"

"He's fine. Getting too clingy lately. But he still having a relay with his first love, though", minghao sighed, joshua chuckles while seungcheol's ears perked up.

"Sorry, but what do you mean?", the eldest finally asked, can't keep it to himself since he is a talker.

"I thought we already said don't ask. But, since i'm a nice person", now it's to Seungcheol rolled his eyes "jun and me is a couple, if that anserwing whatever your question is"

"And he still having a relay with his ex?", seumgcheol asks in disbelief.

Minghao frowned "do you perhaps know who is jun and his first love?"

"Well, maybe i'm not. But i definitely know what that jun boy doing is wrong. You dont think its wrong?"

Haoshua share a glare before burst in laughed.

"Why did you laughed?", seungcheol raised his eyebrow.

"Hyung, jun's first love is his phone. I say he have a relay cause he never tear his gaze away from his phone", minghao answered between a laugh.

Seungcheol's face burn in embarrasement, Choi Seungcheol, you definitely need to shut up!

"Anyway", that's shua "I need to go home now. See you later minghao", joshua take out his money "i pay for him too. Bye", before seungcheol can protested
Shua already run away.

"Bye!",he turned to seungcheol "do you want to live here?"

"Huh? No..im not. See you again", seungcheol said before goung out.

'What a funny guy'

"Shua", seungcheol managed to catch the latter.


"Can i get you number or anything to keep in touch with you?"

"For what?", joshua frowned.

"So, if you there when hannie wake up, you cam directly call me"

"So, this is all about jeonghan?", joshia give him a bored look.

"Im his boyfriend?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever. Give me your phone"

After inserting his number he give the phone back to seungcheol. Yhe elder tey to give a call but no respond.

"My phone is out", joshua replied

"Oh, okay"

"Dont call me if its not necessary", joshua warned before walking away.

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