23. morning

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Minghao sighs before walking to me and help me to get up. He hugged me while i cry on his shoulder. "Im sorry for lying hyung. But i cant tell you. I really cant. This is a secret that i promise to keep. I know you hurt. But..you already lose your chance. Maybe you and shua hyung arent meant to be together. Maybe you and jeonghan hyung are meant to each other. Be a real man and just pray for shua hyung happiness wherever he is now, okay?"

Its been a week after jeonghan been discharge. As the time passes by, i stop looking for joshua too. Maybe minghao right. Anyway, Jeonghan suffered because of me and he still treat me nicely after he woke up, not even mad to me. Love him or not, i need to take care of him.

Its been a long time i didnt meet any of shua's friends either. Like they follow shua and gone forever with him. But well, this is holiday maybe they busy with their stuff and i preety sure they still meet my friends. I never go to carat cafe (i honestly forgot what is the cafe's name so yeah, haha?) at morning anymore so i didnt meet minghao after our last met. I dont know. Im too busy to meet my friends anyway. Busy spending time with jeonghan. I didnt blame him though. I want to stay with him cause a) maybe i can meet shua soon? b)i still feel guilty. Not just because all that coma thing but also feel guilty cause i pratically cheat on him? I dont know.

"Seungcheollie?," i look up. We currently at the garden, enjoyimg the nature. Or that what this hangout should be. Date, sorry, i mean date.

"Yeah?" I said with a smile.

"I will go to my hometown tomorrow. Wanna join?" He ask, giving a puppy eyes.

"Of course, hannie," agreeing all jeonghan's word already becoming a habit right now.

Sighs. I should be a lil bit more nicer to him. If i keep acting like im being a slave than a boyfriend he will know eventually. And that is the last thing i want.

"Jeonghan-ah," i call "Wanna eat an ice-cream?" Seriously seungcheol? Ice cream? Smooth as rock.

His lips broke into a smile before he grinned and nodding eagerly "Yeayyyy" he cheered.

And i swear, that smile make me miss shua's soft smile. Its so funny when i keep adress shua as jeonghan when hes in coma but now eveything about jeonghan just make me miss shua. Sometime i wander if i make all this to jeonghan just cause i miss shua.


I never go to my hometown and jeonghan's is so beautiful. Its calm and serene and im not gonna lie but i really fall in love with this place. We come here by train since jeonghan's parents didnt come with us.

"Train? Oohhhh~i love train. Do you think its a same like the one at harry potter's?," shua beamed.

Gosh, all this thing just remind me of him. Stop thinking about him, stupid brain.

I look at the person beside me and he look genuinely happy which make me smile too.

~time skip to when they arrived and bla bla bla bla hahhaha im too lazy~

"Hello,"jeonghan knocked on the door for fifth time.

"Why dont you tell your grandparents before we arrived, han-ah," fifteen minutes had passed and we still standing here, under the sun.

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