12. Evening

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Okay, seungcheol might slightly regretting my decision to pay a visit for him. He mean, of course I have no problem with it but maybe shua is not. Well, he literally make him mad since he touched rhe other last sunday and even called him jeonghan when he is yoon joshua.

Thats why he walking around like a stray animal in front of the yoon's house. Should i go or should i not? Sighs. Maybe i should not. Maybe shua dont even want to see my face, that maybe my cute face will just make him more sick than he suppoused to since im cuter and hotter than him (dont tell shua please).

Yeah, i should leave. But i already promised to his friend. Ah! What to do? What to do?

"Seungcheol?" "Ah!" That sudden called result him to trip over and fall. He feel like crying. "Oh my, sweetie? Are you okay?" With a shame writen all over his face, he  get up "uhm..yeah, im okay, aunty"

She nodded "what are you doing here?"

"Oh, uhm..shua is absent today and i heard he's ill so i thought maybe i should pay him a visit"

"Ahhh...i see. Well, I'm on my way to work so maybe you can take care of him when i go?"

"Yeah, yeah sure," he agree in the spot.

"Good. I already make a porridge for him and if you hungry, you can eat the food i prepared at the kitchen, okay?"

"Okay, aunty. Thanks", he bows respectfully.

No one home. Except for shua ofc. What the hell he's talking about?

Guess his room is upstair. Cause there's no bedroom downstair. Mrs Yoon really should tell me which room is his and since she didnt im wasting my time trying all the room. After awing this room (im awing cause theres a room that full with book, remind me of library though. Guess its belong to shua since well, jeonghan never read a book before) he finally found it.

Seungcheol open the door and his eyes land on shua, sleeping soundly. Oh, he actually sharing a room with jeonghan! The room have two sides and theres a big window that like a dividing line for both side.

Joshua's side is more blue and really represented him. Thereas a lot of book here too. Damn, how many book this boy read per day? Oohhhh~ he have some comics too! I will ask jeonghan to lend me some (since shua will probably kill me than let me lend it).

While hannie side is bright just like the person. The wall is yellowish colour (told you, its bright) and theres some poloroids hanging on the wall. Seungcheol look closely, some of it is him and shua, most of it is me and him and the rest is our friends. He smile as he see the pic of our first date.  Good old memories.

The boy still lost in his memory until he heard joshua groaning. He turn around to see him changing his position. He walk to shua's bed as silent as he can and sit on it. He might sound creepy but do think Shua look so handsome when he's sleeping. Again, choi seungcheol where does that thought come?

Then an idea popped out from my brain. He pulled out his phone and searching for jeonghan's pic. Let see how different their face is. After admiring my boy face he finally check it out.

Oh yeah, theres an obvious different actually. Joshua have a v-line unlike jeonghan and joshua have more colour while jeonghan is paler than him. Joshua also more like a cat he is while jeonghan is more angelic.

"What are you doing?" Joshua suddenly spoke with a close eyess which make him jump and fall from the bed and land on his butt.

"Hey, are you okay?" Joshua look at him with a worried faces.

Gosh, when did this boy wake up? Congrats seungcheol, you embrassed yourself again.

"What are you doing here?", shua demanded after he see that the other is fine.

"I..uhm..i heard you sick so i thought i should pay visit for you", he get up and land back his bitt on the bed.


"Cause i think its my fault. I heard about your body condition and i feel guilty cause push you to play some more when you said we should go home"

"Ah", he nods "its okay, though."

Moments pass without a word. Seungcheol dont know what to say while shua didnt seem like he want to talk cause he just stare at the wall.

"Are you hungry?", seungcheol remember that his mom make him a porridge.

"Yeah, actually", the other admits.

"I can heat your porridge. Dont move, okay? I will call when the food ready"

Without waiting for his respond, seungcheol make my way to the downstair.

I swear i dont know what happen in this and previous chap hahaha.

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