13. Evening

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Seungcheol found the porridge in the fridge and quickly heat it up. After adjust the fire, he walk around and found the food for he to eat. Its still hot so theres no need to heat it up again.

As he wash some plates to use, suddenly, he heard a footstep from my back, walking to his direction. Without even looking to whoever the person is (which he know its non of the yoon fam since Mrs Yoon is at work, Mr Yoon is not even there to start with, jeonghan is at the hospital and joshua is upstair) "w-whoever are y-you i..i have a-a knife" all the brave act he try to put on failed severely cause of the stuttered and my shaking body.

But all the tension dissapared as he heard a laughing sound which make he turn around (theres no way a kidnapper or burglar laughing, right?). He turn around to see laughing yoon joshua. "You have a knife but you stuttered?" He mocks.

"Yoon joshua! You nearly send me to the hospital cause of heart attack. What the hell?!"

But he just countinue laughing like its the funny thing ever. Seungcheol rolls my eyes "and what are you doing here? I say i will call you if the food is ready" then, seungcheol realize he sound quite harsh cause joshua stop lauging and start to look guilty.

"Uhm..sorry for laughing. I.. thought..it must be so hard for you to go upstair back..anyway, i didnt deserve any special treatment," sighs. Did i sound that harsh until he think something like that.

"No shua. You are sick..so you really need special treatment. Its okay. I guess you can wait at the table then? I will bring the food later"

"You sure you will not burn the kitchen?", seungcheol flashes a smiles. He be that savage again, thats mean he getting better.

"I promise", he hummed before walk away.

Something about him really make seungcheol's heart feel warm.


"The food is ready", seungcheol said cheerily, try to throw all the akwardness and replace it with happy mode.

Guess its work since shua smiling. Or he smile for the food? Whatever, at least he smile.

"I forgot to tell you but your friends and mine, except junhao, have something to do together. So, they told me to say sorry to you"

"My friends and yours love each other. Believe me", he smirks.

"Sorry because forced you to countinue our activity when you actually cant"

"Dont be. You didnt force me anyway. And im the one who cant control myself. So its my fault too",he give me a reassure smile.

Seungcheol cant help myself but stare to his cute face who smiling. He's so cute when he smiling, whoever see his smile will melt into it. Seungcheol cant believe this is the same shua he met before. He's more open to me now, right?

"Why did you stare at me like that? Is there something on my face?", he wipes his face.

"No", i chuckle "uhmm...just do you really having fun yesterday?"

"Yeah, im so happy~", seungcheol was so glad he didnt bring up back the last scene(the one when i called him jeonghan and touched him) and he smile again. I swear, if he countinue smiling, i might have a diabetis cause the smile is sweeter than glucose. Wait, what the hell im talking about? Swipe it off! Nah, who care. He is cute, no doubt. Why should i denying the obvious thing?

"And thanks for visiting me today. I really appreciate it", the other nods "jeonghan must be lucky to have you", he sighed deeply. He must miss his twin so much, so am i. Jeonghan is the person thay always cheering everyone's life.

"I miss him too", but that just make shua look more uncomfortable.

Maybe he just feel tired since he still not fully healing.

I hope he will getting better soon.

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