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_previous chapter_

Shua, im so sorry. Sorry for hurting you. You have experienced so many things. Im so sorry. But i really love you shua. I love you so much. I promise i will never let you go anymore. Forgive me please.

Joshua's pov

I am at my room when jeonghan open my unlocked door.

"Shua," he sit beside me. I cant look at him now. I feel so dissapointed, hurt and sad but i know i cant feel like that. Not when jeonghan is seungcheol's boyfriend. Not when seungcheol love him. Not when he is seungcheol's official boyfriend.

I cant regret my choice. Im the one that say its fine if jeonghan take my place. So why am i crying? Huh, phatetic.

I wuivkly wipes my tears eventhough he already see it and look at him with a smile, pretending that whatever happen that evening never happen at all. "Yeah, hannie?"

Jeonghan's eyes become teary so i hug him "whats wrong? Why did you cry? Are you okay?"

"Shua, im so sorry," he cried.

"Why did you say sorry, han. You didnt do anything to me," i said softly.

And i feel so tired. I feel like theres a big stone on my shoulder. I feel tired for everything. Im tired of crying, im tired of pitying myself, i feel tired for regretting my own choice. I cant stop crying right after jeonghan wake up and i feel bad. But now i even feel tired of feeling bad to myself.

"I-i broke up with seungcheol," he murmurs to my ears that make me gasped.

"What? Why?"

"Cause this is the right things to do shua. You two are meant to be with each other, not me. I should never disturb your relay with him," its saddend me to see my brother cry and blaming himself.

"No jeonghan, this is my fault too," i admit.

"I will help the two of you. Im gonna fix things up''

"No, its okay. I didnt deserve him, you are. You are a cheerful person and lovely. Suit him, not me. Maybe we look alike but i know you are way more handsome than me. Beside, who want to be with a nerd like me?"

"Shua, you are the most cutest person i ever know! You said im a lovely person but you are the one who sacrificed a lot for me,shua..you even my freaking lil brother. Just throw away your ego shua. You may like what you say but did seungcheol mind? No. That is what make he like you and he still love you," he said as he pats my hair softly.

"But you will be sad," i pouted.

"So you are," he sighed "im okay, joshuji..trust me" i smile at the nickname. Eventhough we are twin i still love it when he treat me like his lil brother.

"I can try to move on? I will try harder this time" i said.

"And i refused you to do so. Enough shua. Whatever happen, he will still fall for you. Cant you see this is your destiny?"


I bit my lips. Why did i still not accepting it? I should be happy and all but i cant. I just dont want to be hurt again.

"He love you, trust me," jeonghan said softly.

"Thanks hyung," and he smiled.

"Sure, my lovely donsaeng,"

JiHan💕 ShuJeong💕 YoonHong💕 angel/devil couple💕 BFF💕

_next chapter_

"Can we have sex?," i chocked.

Sometime i hope chan show more aegyo in front of his hyungs. I mean, sure, chan is mature than the others but idk, im dying to see that maknae act cuteeeely. (Especially when he is with scoups haha)

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