15. night

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"Hello channie-ah", I greets the real owner of the cafe with a broad smile. One day, I will definitely adopt this boy as my own son.

"Hi, hyungie. It's been a while", he grinned as he give me a small greeting wave.

"Yeah, but i actually go to this cafe sometime in the morning, though"

"Ah,, so you and minghao hyung know each other. Are you guys a friend?"

Erk. "Haha..maybe"

"Oh and i heard about jeonghan hyung condition. I'm so sorry to hear that. It must be so hard for you", chan give me a sad smile.

I frowns "how did you know?"

"Shua hyung tell me", and like its on cue the said boy entering the cafe.

"Hi hyungie~~", chan beams.

"Hi, jung chan", he replied. Wait, who jung chan?

"Hyung, i told you to not call me jung chan", the maknae pouts "I prefer chan more than anything"

"Yeah, sorry", shua ruffles his hair with a playful smile  "I'm just joking"

"Why did you call him jung chan?," i asked.

"I never told you? I thought i already informed you and jeonghan hyung that my real name is Lee Jung Chan?" I think its better if i didnt futher the question since i already clueless about everything "anyway hyung", chan looked at shua "what are you doing here at night? I thought you hate going outside at this hours?"

"Yeah, but this camel boy", he pointed at me.

"Hey!" How dare he called me camel when I'm as cute as a puppy.

"He asked me to help him in his study", he countinue.

"Ah~ I see. Well, seungcheol do need a help!" Why do i feel like want to throw a punch? "I better not disturbing you guys now", chan smiled "drink?"

"Cola", shua answered.


"Two coke, set"


"Take five", i sighed deeply. Right now, we just finish study chapter 'circle'.

Gosh, sometime i dont understand why i need to study about angle in circle. I mean, can't it be just a round thing and nothing more? I loudly groans which make shua chuckled in amusement.

"Relax, seungcheol" "easy for you to say, you are the smartest at school" ha, i say the same thing nayoung say to jimin "I try. Here, I give you my maths note. Remember all the formulae. I also have write down how to solve some question"

I beamed. "Really? You give this to me? Wait, how about you?"

"I already remember all the formulae and i also have another copy that more advance at house. Don't worry" i nods and hums in delight. I'm too lazy to make my own note and revision book is just too big, too many explanation. Joshua Yoon is the best


"Thank me after you get your result," he said with a smile before he drink his remining cola. I look at him.

Didn't realise the fact that im staring at him. Well i can't help myself than stare. Something about him make me just want to stare and stare.

"Do you want me to poke your eyes?," he asked teasingly, caught me off guard, my face heatened.

"I-I'm so sorry" he chuckles before another awkward moment exist. But then,

"Let just talk now",he suggested. "So..what did you do for life?"

"Breathing. Eating. Drinking," I answer confidently.

"Ugh, sorry my question is not clear enough, i mean your hobby"

"Ah~ well, I enjoy listening to music to release my tension and stress. Sometime i play basketball with my friends too but that before i date jeonghan"

"You play basketball? We should play together sometime", he beams.

"Of course why not? What's yours hobby?," i return the question.

"Reading, studying and I can play a guitar too"

"Guitar? Woah~ can you play for me?", I ask excitedly. I really love look at someone who play guitar.

"I don't see any problem with it so why not?" He nods in agreement.

"So, do you have crush?," i asks.

He rolled his eyes jokingly "Do you want to make me jealose cause I'm a lone ranger while you have my twin?"

"Nah~ just aksing. Anyway, i do know you are a lone ranger and will stay like that for a long time since you are as cold as ice", i teased.

He slapped my arm playfully while giggling and i swear i really love that sound. Yeah, need to admit how crazy mind is now.

"It's a lie if i say i don't have a crush," for some reason, the answer make me feel uneasy and i don't even know why.

"Who?" I asked.

"Secret", he smiled "but..I have a feeling to this person as soon as I get into the school. Longer than you and jeonghan met. Once, i thought he love me too but i don't want to be so confident so i ignore him as much as i can but i still like him whenver he approached me or greeted me. But now, he's gone", he bit his lower lips and his eyes become teary.

"Gone..you mean, he's dead?," that question washed all his sadness and got replaced by a shocked one.

"What? No silly. He's not dead. Just.... gone... okay?", he sighed.

"So, are you still waiting for him?" My heart clenched for an unknowing reason.

"Yeah, actually. But i just feel so bad for it", he look down to his shoe.

"Don't be. You are human too. Its not your fault if you love someone", i try to comforted him and i guess its work since he smirked.

"Thanks for your useless advice"

"Hey, im trying okay?", i pouted.

"Whatever. Now let start back", I groans again. I want to know more about him.

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