17. morning

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Its weekend and I feel so akward with shua yesterday. We dont have any meeting tonight since the exam will start tomorrow and he said i should take some rest.

"Hi minghao", i greets. Yeah,i come to this cafe again.

"Oh, hi hyung~," he said, give me his infamous smile at first which change after he see me.

"Are you okay? You look awful. Whats wrong?" He asked with a really concerned look.

I take a deep breath "Minghao-ah. Have you ever feel so confused at yourself?,"i began.

"Huh?"he frowned, tottaly dumbfound. Well, who not? Coming over and suddenly asking the damn question.

I sighs again "can you keep my secret?" I think he is the only one i can ask for advice for now since he is more mature than all my friends and I'm more closed to him than other shua's friends

"Yours a safe with me", he nodded before taking a seat, facing me.

"Okay", i take a breath "you do know me and jeonghan is a couple right?"he hesitatedly nodded. I know, he know what i want to say but he didnt say anything, just an encourage nodded.

"W-well..i think i have a feeling to joshua. Like a crush feeling",i bit my lips and im so sure it will bleeding if minghao didnt open his mouth now.

"How?" He asked, finally.

"I-i dont know..i just feel like, i really like him and something about him make me feel like, i know him better than jeonghan. I want to look at his smile and worst is, i want to be the reason he smile. I feel like i want to be the only one for him. I want to be the one that show him this world" shit, is sound clíche but he didn't seem like he care about it.

"And jeonghan hyung?"

"I-i dont know minghao-ah", i sighed. "Its confusing and complicated for me"

"Hyung, I may not understand your feeling but I do understand your problem, futhermore, jeonghan hyung is not here. If you love him, I think you really should confirm your feeling to him. Just don't you ever make shua hyung as your thing to replace jeonghan hyung while he gone. I really hope you didn't fooling around with shua hyung feeling. I dont want you to love him just because he look like jeonghan hyung. It's wrong"

"I know. But I love him as him minghao-ah" why did I sound like a teenage girl who confessing her love problem to her friend? Ugh, maybe everyone in love problem will act like this, not only girl.

"So you didnt like jeonghan hyung now?" He asked again.

"I dont know", I play with my fingers.

"Listen hyung, its okay to fall in love with someone else but do not ever give shua hyung a fake hope. He's my friends. Dont you ever play a game with him", he threatened. But I dont even feel offensed cause I know he say that to protect shua.

"I understand that", I stare down to the table. Mind completely thinking about shua but the guilty is there since..i dont know..wrong? Cause my real boyfriend is laying on the hospital's bed, unconcious cause of me.

"Hyung, I'm not a good advicer. More important is i dont know your heart hyung. Are you really love him or because he look like jeonghan hyung? How do you know you love him? What will you do when jeonghan hyung wake up? Will you ditch shua hyung or jeonghan hyung? Can you even tell who is who when they stand beside each other?"

"I think I love him as him. I just think I love him. I don't know what will I do if jeonghan wake up. It's confusing. I dont know but i can tell who is who now by the way", I answer. "I know i shouldnt make him as jeonghan's replacement. I know that"

Minghao sighs "hyung. I dont want to add any burden to you. I really need to ask all of this cause shua hyung is so speacial to us too. He's my first bestfriend. He is everything for me. He even more important than jun for me. So I dont want you to play with his feeling"

"I know. Maybe, I should run  away from him? Avoid him?"

"No", minghao shakes his head "run away will never solve anything. There's no correct answer for love anyway. Its okay if you love someone else, remember that"

Hours after seungcheol meet minghao and in 3rd pov

A chat


Hi. Why?

Lets play basketball this evening?

Basketball? Okay!

Great. Bye, c u there


"Hi Hannie", I said as I sit beside his bed.

"How long it's been after my last visit, huh?" Guilty rose inside me. Did I still love him or not?

"I-i", my heart clenched "I'm sorry, i need to go",i cried

"Wake up sooner okay?", whatever happen, i think it'll end when he woke up.

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