11. Morning

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Anyway, this is so cute haha and this is when i acknowledge that daisy song🌼

Seungcheol pov

Once again, Seungcheol run to their table, like always. The boy seriously don't even know why his teacher always keep them  stay even if the recess had started 5 minutes before. Ugh..

As he arrived, he was shocked to see the table is full once again, so thats mean, shua and his friends is there too. Oh no, i dont think i can face shua after the shit that happened yesterday.

"Hi hyung", soonyoung greets "running again?"

"Been keep again. I dont know whas wrong with our teacher", seungcheol replied as i sit beside jun.

The camel-like boy look around, expecting to see joshua but he's not there. Huh? "Where is shua?"

"Oh, shua hyung is absent today", hansol answered.

Absent? "Why?" Is it because of me?

"I think it is because your hangout yesterday", minghao joined in. So it is because of me. Shit i didnt meant to do it. I-

"You went hangout with shua hyung yesterday?," mingyu asked which make seungcheol frowns.

"Mingyu, you help me pick my outfit", he rolls his eyes before turning to minghao "anyway, what with our hangout have to do with his absentee?" Don't say he dont go to school because i break his heart.

"Well, hyung have a weak stamina. I forgot to tell you to not let him be too active. So, yeah, he caught by flu today", minghao answered. Ahhhh ofc he is.

"Really? Why dont he tell me?", seungcheol mumbled. I didn't blame him tough, just, if he told me we can head to home earlier. Wait, he do offered it but i said we should played more. Its seriously my fault.

"Well, where did you guys went to?", hansol asked and seungchol start feel uncomfortable since 8 pairs of eyes looking at me, sharply now. Like, they wamt to eat him alive.

"Uhm, we went to an amusement park next town so i brought him there"

"oh, hyung love funfair so much. Must be the reason why he used all his energy"

Seungcheolwant to tell them its my fault but shua's friends are just as scary as him. Especially minghao, wonwoo and jihoon. And the smallest one just give him dont-mess-up-with-me vibe. Its scary tho. While wonwoo give him an assassin vibe.

"Yeah, you can say that. He's so excited, jumping and running around. Try all the ride and almost all the game there", seungcheol sighed for the umpteenth time "he should tell me about his health condition"

"Isn't that obvious? He didn't tell you cause he li-", minghao coughed "-ke to make everyone happy, yeah, happy", hansol laughed. Why did he laughed? Maybe thats why seungkwan like him. He do have that stupid but cute things in him. Anyway, seungkwan just as weird like him anyways.

Minghao cleared his throat, taking our attention before he blurted "anyway, he didnt want to be a boring person with you. And honestly, he is a cheerful person. I told you this before, seungcheol hyung"

"Yeah, i know that. Its okay, i will pay a visit for him after school", i said.

"Thats a good idea. I want to join you but i cant cause i have a cafe i need to take care", minghao sighed.

"Wonwoo hyung cant go either cause he promised me, he'll help me with my study", mingyu sudenly spoke.

"And i need to tutor seungkwan in his english. Man, he really need help. Who ever in this world say 'shampooed'?"

"Hansol! You promised to not mention that ever again", seungkwan pouted make the american cooed. Erk... that is disgustingly cute.

"Really? Non of us will visit him today?", jihoon bit his lips "i cant go either, music club have a meeting today"

"Its okay, i'll tell him that all of you busy today", but i do think shua will say it fine since he naturally nice eventhough he a lil bit savage.

"You are the best hyung~", soonyoung give me a thumbs up with a grinned. I chuckles, eventhough they can be too much to handle sometime, they still a loveable person.

I swear i dont know what happen in this chap!

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