Review #12: Corvus (Stars and Sails, Book 1)

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A sort of disclaimer for intolerant and butt hurt lads.

I recognize the time and effort of the writer and their dedication towards their work. I don't intend to insult or mock their work in any way. I just intend to give an honest review of how I feel and see the book. My review wouldn't be applicable after they've edited their book, so don't be the dumbass who wages a war about my review being stupid. Definitely contains spoilers.

TITLE: Corvus (Stars and Sails, Book 1)

Author: amandamaedowney

Title and Cover – {5/10}

I understand the significance of the title, in terms of the constellation, though I believe it isn't as interesting on first look. The cover really doesn't draw attention and is quite plain. I would suggest working on the over so it justifies the title as I understand why that should be kept the same.

Blurb/Summary – {3/10}

The blurb is a little haywire and all over the place. It hasn't been phrased and structured properly, therefore while it explains what the story is about, it doesn't create interest. It is not impactful.

Grammar and Vocabulary – {9/10}

The story is well written with great use of vocabulary, with some grammatical errors like this one:

"He wiped off his mouth on his sleeve, leaving a pale stain. Out across the hall, Jim Tanner stood arm-in-arm with a young girl who was more than half his age."

It should be less than. Overall, the errors are far and few and don't interrupt the reading experience.

Flow and Pace of the Story – {9/10}

The pace of the story stalls in some places, where it seems that the author has been taken over by description so much so that it detaches from the story in some sense.

Detail/Description – {10/10}

The description sets the scenery for the story and you enter the world of ranches and sun ale in a Midwestern town. It is magnificent and somehow, makes me read every character's dialogue in a southern accent. Each scene has been described in great detail and sets a perfect visual.

Overall Story – {9/10}

The story set in the Midwestern town was amusing and intriguing while the one on the seashore was dramatic. The pacing and the dialogue were succinct and pushed the story forward. The perfect description aided in setting the scene and made for a thrilling second chapter after a sweet first one. The story leaves a lot to be uncovered.

Cliffhangers – {7/10}

The cliffhangers though evidently present and intriguing, do seem predictable and the only hope is they don't end up as predictable as they seem.

Originality – {8/10}

The story is original in entirety, however, like any story it falls on classic fantasy, adventure and romance tropes. I only hope for them to not be as straightforward as they initially appear.

Character Development – {8/10}

The first chapter highlights and works on setting the story of Aiden as it gives glimpses of Amelia and her road ahead. It is interesting and intriguing. The second chapter establishes Jade trying to find her ground, dealing with grief and with a mission on her mind. The stories set up the scope for a character journey.

Overall Score:68/90

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