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"Fuck! He did it!" Lucifer yelled, "He actually did it."

"Lucifer." A voice suddenly called. "Lucifer, calm down." A hand landed on his shoulder, startling him.

"And what is the great archangel doing here?" Lucifer turned around and glared at the man standing in front of him. The man had light brown hair and green eyes, he was wearing a long white robe with a red sash tied around his waist neatly. "What do you want, Gabriel?" Lucifer's tone softened once their eyes met.

"I came to catch up with you, and well, you looked stressed out. Let me guess, your little apprentice is doing some impressive work out there, am I right?" The man quirked up an eyebrow and Lucifer pointed at a chair that stood across from him, they both sat down and Gabriel smiled at Lucifer.

"Where are your wings? You always put them away when you're here." Lucifer pointed out.

"Why would I walk around with my wings? Do you walk around with your devil horns?" They chuckled as close friends would.

"Seriously, you don't have to do that. It doesn't bother me anymore." Lucifer smiled sadly, "He really hit me where it hurt the most."

"You really loved your wings, I did too, they were beautiful," Gabriel spoke softly.

"He brought someone back from the dead," Lucifer looked up to see Gabriel's reaction.

"How long has he known about who he is?" The mood had suddenly turned so serious, you could hear the crackle of the fire and their voices, nothing else.

Lucifer hesitated to answer but eventually gave in, "A couple of months."

 "At the pace he's going, the apocalypse could start in five years." Gabriel's voice dripped with worry. "You have to stop this. Please, I beg you."

"Why? You know better than me that it's too late. I'm in too deep. Even if I give up now, I'll still be punished by Him." Lucifer looked at Gabriel's hand, a gold ring going unnoticed. "You actually kept it." Lucifer smiled.

Gabriel looked down at his hand and saw what he forgot to put away before he walked in the room, but didn't bother to hide it, "Of course I did. Don't change the subject. Maybe if you stop now, He'll forgive you."

"And then what? He'll let me back in heaven?"

"Maybe! Everything can go back to how it was before." Gabriel looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"I don't want to ever go back. I wasn't happy. I was under Him and I was tired of it!" Lucifer raised his voice, Gabriel was unfazed.

"I guess I should take my  leave then." Gabriel stood up, he didn't want this to escalate into an argument.

Not that they could stay mad at each other for long.

"That's it? You just came to gather more information for the big guy?" Lucifer snickered.

"You know that's the only reason as to why I come."

"Ouch. So you don't come to see me because you miss me?" Lucifer frowned exaggeratedly.

"You brought this upon yourself."

"Stop that," Lucifer growled. "Don't act so innocent when you were going to do the same thing." Gabriel glared at Lucifer.

"But I didn't. I also tried to talk you out of it but you wouldn't budge."

"You saw what I was capable of! You saw how powerful I was! I could've been better than Him!" Lucifer stood up and walked closer to Gabriel, "You know it was possible, don't deny it."

"Lucifer, I'm not going to deny that but it was still wrong."

"Who said so? Micheal?" Lucifer spoke angrily and Gabriel didn't answer, "Speaking of Micheal, how is he? I bet you two are really close ever since I got kicked out. Both of you probably took my place as his esteemed archangel."

"Shut up, you know that's not true," Gabriel responded quickly, causing Lucifer to laugh.

"I'm just messing with you. However, I'm never asking for forgiveness." Lucifer dismissed and turned around to serve himself a glass of liquor. "And I won't stop this, no matter what you say."

"Not even for me?" Lucifer froze at those words, "Think about it, we can be together again." There was pain laced in the words that came out of Gabriel.

"Gabriel, you know that I will always love you. You know what effect you have on me. Shit, look at me! I always update you on how my plan is advancing, fully knowing that you go tell Him and Micheal. But, I can't." Lucifer turned to face his past lover.

"So what? You're going to go through with this until the end? You could get killed, how do you think that makes me feel?" Gabriel was less composed, it was very apparent.

"I won't. You'll see, when I finally take Him down, we can be together again." Lucifer smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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