Chapter 10

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With Dudley, Harry and petunia:
The next day-

Harry and Dudley both woke up at about 8 and decided that there was no point going back to sleep so they tip toed down the stairs and into the living room. Petunia was still sleeping so the boys quietly played with the toys out the box in the main room. After about 20 minutes of playing petunia woke up and started on the boys breakfast consisting of pancakes covered with chocolate sauce, strawberries, blueberries and whipped cream. All in all the boys both enjoyed their breakfast that day.

Petunia was busy tidying up the kitchen and main room as the boys sat in the garden playing with one of Dudley's footballs. At about 11:30 petunia decided to start lunch for the 3.

"Harry, Dudley would you like to help me make lunch today?"

"Ooo yes please!" Squealed both boys

"Okay so, today we're having salad for lunch so we need to go to the garden and get some fruit and vegetables so what would u both like in the salad?"

"Lettuce" replied Dudley

"Hmmmm cucumber?!" Asked Harry




"Can we have some ham as well please?" Asked Dudley curiously

"Yes we can have all of that, would you boys like some of the potato salads out of the fridge as well?"

"Yes please!"

"Okay Dudley I need you to go and get some tomatoes from the tomato plant and Harry I need you to go and get me some of the carrots from the basket by Dudley"

"Okay!" Both Dudley and Harry replied in an excited tone.

After grabbing what they needed they all went inside and began to prepare and wash the food they would use. They began to slice, peel and cube the food and put it into a bowl next to the potato salad. They grabbed out 3 plates and the boys set the table. The 3 had an enjoyable lunch all together once finished the boys helped clean up and went to watch some TV. Petunia went to finish the garden and they had a good rest of the afternoon.

With lily and the marauders-

Lily woke up and felt fine then remembered she had 3 sick men should have to take care of. She grabbed the pepperup potions she had brought and put them next to each boys bed with a glass of water. She decided to read until one of the boys woke up said boy being her husband, James potter. Massive prankster, idiot and very self confident.

"Hello James welcome to hell" she said innocently to which James groaned into the pillow.

"There's a pepperup potion next to you by the way" she added in a hushed whisper

James head automatically flung up... big mistake, his headache just got worse but after the potion he seemed a bit better.

"Thanks lily flower"

"Go on James go back to sleep I'll check on the others" said lily while rolling her eyes at the dark haired man.

Lily went on to Sirius' room and saw he was still out like a light so she went to Remus' and he seemed to be just waking up.

"Hey Rem, pepperup potion is next to you. Drink it and go back to sleep, James did"

"Th...thanks lily your a life saver" said a tired Remus In between a yawn.

She went back to Sirius to see him stirring. She walked over and sat in the bed next to him.

"Hey Siri, how u feeling?" She asked in a small voice

"Like shit" was the reply she got through Sirius' laugh

"Thought so..that's why I put this in here this morning" she said handing the potion over to the boy who was struggling to open his eyes

"Pepperup potion?" He guessed

"Yes now drink it then go back to sleep like the other 3"

"Thanks lils love ya"

"Go on sleep Sirius and I love u too, I love all 3 of u boys now if u need anything call me ok?"

She got a mumbled reply and took it as a yes. She quietly walked out the room only to bump into the broad chest of James.

"Thank you lily, for all of this"

"It's nothing, now off to bed, you need sleep"


And that was how lily spent her day, watching over her boys and making sure they were all okay, after all they still had to go and collect Harry tomorrow. Oh how she missed her little munchkin.

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