Chapter 17

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Time skip~a couple of weeks~

Harry was once again wanting to stay at petunias however it was 7 at night, Harry wasn't very pleased when he was told to wait. If Harry wants something Harry gets it, he's not James son for no reason.

"I WANNA! I WANNA! I WANNA! LETS GOOOOO! PLEASEEEEEE" Harry screamed from his bed

"HARRY! go to sleep we can go tomorrow now settle down and go to sleep" lily replied mentally forming a plan.
Harry kept fussing this was when he started mumbling under his breath and throwing his teddy's around the room. 'Time to put the plan into effect' lily thought as she sank down the wall on the corner of Harry's room and began to cry.

Harry's heart stopped!

His mum was crying! Because he was being naughty by screaming, throwing a tantrum and not going to sleep! He had to put it right!

Harry jumped up and began to thrive the room as quickly as possible he then ran over to lily and buried his head into her neck.

"Please,don't cry! I'm sorry mummy I'll be good, I'll go to sleep! Please stop crying" Harry sniffled as he began to drag lily to his bed.

"Sleep mummy, we can both fall asleep together! I'm really really really sorry mummy I didn't want to make you cry" Harry whispered as he began to cry himself

"I love you mummy" Harry yawned

"I love you too Harbear" was what Harry heard as he let the darkness of sleep takeover.

The next morning

Lily woke up her son in her arms, her husband on the chair next to the bed and her best friends leaning against the door frame.

"Morning red!" Chirped Sirius

"Lils did you really use the fake tears on him already?" Asked an amused Remus from next to his lover.

"Well it worked didn't it?" She asked rhetorically but James had to answer anyway, that's just James.

"Lily darling we didn't think he'd need the fake tears for at lest another two months!" Exclaimed James quietly.
Harry chose this moment to wake up, he looked around the room, blinking as he did so then he whipped his head round to lily and started crying, burying his face into her chest. He repeatedly mumbled "I'm sorry" while sniffling and crying. Now it was Lily's turn to feel guilty. James and Sirius where pushed downstairs by Remus who could sense that lily was going to cry and tell Harry her tears where fake.

"Harry baby, relax" she whispered soothingly " I wasn't actually crying last night I just wanted you to go to sleep,so I pretended to cry! I'm sorry baby!" They both carried on crying for a little bit.

After a while tears turned to sniffles.
"Cmon Harry let's go downstairs and make sure daddy, padfoot and moony don't set the house on fire" this caused the both of them to laugh as they held each other's hand and walked downstairs to find something bizarre.

"JAMES! SIRIUS! I SWEAR TO MERLIN AND BACK YOUR BOTH USELESS!" Remus shouted dragging the other two men by the ear into another room. Lily and Harry entered the kitchen to find burnt pancakes on a plate, strawberries on the floor and a book on the side. That was when lily remembered it was nearly the full moon so moony was a little more agitated than usual.

Lily set to work on redoing the pancakes as Harry picked up the strawberries and put them in a bowl, he also ran and gave Remus his book to find his dad and godfather in time out, they were both  pouting with their arms crossed. Remus thanked Harry for the book and gave him a kiss on the forehead as Harry rushed back to help lily with breakfast.

Lily served Harry and Remus first, then served James and Sirius with a playful smack to the head each, then she served herself. Finally they all sat down and ate breakfast together. The rest of the day was filled with cuddles reading and sleeping.

Hello! I was going to post this before but it was my birthday so I didn't get to finish it, my friend who got me a time turner necklaces has got me loads of things and made me a painting just a warning the 'cards against potter' game can be very dirty so if u ever think of buying them here's a warning although they are amazing. I'm also getting tickets to the Harry Potter world studios when it's open so that's a plus side ☺️anywayyyyy hope your all okay! 💞

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