Chapter 38

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The year was beginning to take a turn for the worst however, when flophart tried to fix Harry's quidditch injuries only to have Harry end up back in his bed in the hospital wing with no bones in his arm. Ginny was also acting strange and whenever Harry saw her she was deathly pale, nobody seemed to notice though.

It was a Wednesday afternoon before dinner when Harry decided to confront Ginny In the library and check on her.

"Ginny? Are you okay?"
"Ha...Harry" Ginny whispered tearing up before continuing
"Harry I need your help..."
"Of course what's up?"
"I have this," Ginny corrected although it looked like it wasn't her choice. It was clear she was forcing out answers as if someone was trying to get her to shut up. "I..need you to...send your dad and... Sirius" she gritted out. Ginny handed him a book even though it looked like she was somehow trying to be restrained by something or someone. Harry didn't question her, he just grabbed an old shoebox and shoved the book inside before heading to the owlery and giving it to hedwig with a small note stating Ginny asked him to send it. Rushing back to check on Ginny he found her looking more normal each second, she was slowly regaining colour and she was smiling now, And that was the end of the mystery book subject....

Or so he thought.

Two months after sending the, now forgotten, book he received a howler.

"What now?! I haven't even done anything yet!" Harry said looking at the howler.
"Oh haz you are in so much trouble" Draco said smirking.
Pansy and some of the others snickered while the hall looked over in anticipation. One person called out "i bet it's from lily!" Starting a whole chain of names, the most prominent being lily and Remus. They were all surprised however when James and Sirius spoke, and not laughing about like they usually do.


"Harry! That...that...I'm gonna need statements from the both of you! Harry where do you even come across something like this?!
Don't worry mum and rem don't know but her parents do because of the whole statement issue. Harry do us a favour, after dinner the both of you go to the headmasters office and wait for us, we'll see you both soon"

The whole hall was silent. Harry thought for a minuet before his eyes widened and his eyes snapped to the Gryffindor table. Locking eyes with Ginny he nodded at her, that way she knew it was definitely about that book he sent away. Dinner soon finished and harry and Ginny made their way to Dumbledores office.

Once Harry and Ginny where sat down the floo flared and in walked a semi angry James and Sirius.

"Ahh James, Sirius what seems to be the problem?" said Dumbledore with that damned twinkle in his eye.
"Headmaster they had a horcrux in their possession"replied James.
"Voldemort's horcrux" Sirius added becoming concerned.
"How can we be so sure?" Dumbledore questioned, but the twinkle had died down a lot.
"We took it to the unspeakables two months ago and when they couldn't figure out anything other than it was dark magic, we headed to gringotts. Turns out it's not just dark magic but black magic. His horcrux, a piece of his soul." James said
"We asked how much of his soul and they said about 57% give or take a few" Sirius said
"Harry, Ginny? Tell me what happened, neither of us are angry with you" James said softly
"Well, on the first day of classes I found a plank note book in my bag and thought maybe mum or dad snuck it in there is a gift or something so I started drawing in it.. but then my drawing disappeared and I saw the words "nice drawing, you have an incredible amount of skill" appear. I closed it and didn't open it again but there's this pulling feeling so I asked Harry to send it to you"
Ginny started. Harry continued from here.
"I noticed that Ginny was acting strange and began to grow pale so after a while I confronted her. She seemed to be having trouble moving and speaking as if someone was holding her back but she managed to hand me book which I instantly sent to you."

James and Sirius sighed a bit in relief and talked with the headmaster while Harry and Ginny where sent to bed. After leaving the office In silence they looked at each other, shrugged and said their good nights before heading to their dorms.

Shit shit sorry! Im in the middle of a 25 fucking hour exam I apologise. Plus I never expected this book to get so meany reads and votes so it didn't really have a plot but! I'm getting there :)

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