chapter 3 kiss me

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"y/n and reid go to the crime scene, morgan and emily go to the station to talk to family, jj i need you to handle then press. Me and Rossi are going to go to the coroner to go look at the bodies to find his MO. An unsub this good has to of killed before." explains hotch.

we got off the plane and me and spence were on our way to the crime scene. " did you know that everyday close to 37,000 people are killed in a car crash? and there's almost 6 million a year." said reid in a hurry. I stared at him mostly because he was the one driving. "excuse me sir we are in a car right now and you're the one driving." i said with a sassy tone. "sorry i get nervous when driving. I guess it comes with being so smart and knowing everything." he laughs and continues driving.

We got to the crime scene and it was brutal. Blood everywhere. While Spencer was talking to one of the other officers something got my eye. "hey guys i think i have something" they rushed over while i'm holding someone's finger. "how the hell did we miss this?" asked the officers. "was the body missing any fingers?" asked reid. "no sir i guess that's how we missed it." replied the officer. I looked over at reid, "we have to call Hotch."

"Alight thank you" said Hotch while hanging up the phone. "Y/n found a missing finger at the crime scene. Dr. Jody does any other bodies that have turned up lately that you didn't think would be connected, did any of them miss their middle finger?" The coroner looked puzzled for a minute. "No sir i would have remembered if any bodies came in that looked like your kind of thing. Sorry i can't be much more of help, but i can help with other stuff." she smirked at Hotch. Rossi laughed and nudged Hotch in the arm. 

A day later we got the guy. The missing finger belonged to another woman he was holding captive. She's okay now and is making her way into recovery. I finished writing  the file. I got up to use the bathroom whenever spencer bumps into me. "oh my god i'm so sorry y/n." he grabbed my shoulder and jesus it was a turn on, but i could never do anything with him. Hell i'm around a bunch of profilers they would figure it out before anything even happens. i gave him and warm smile and told him it was okay.

The plane landed and i headed straight to my car. "hey y/n." said a voice. i turned around and it was just spencer. "hey you scared the shit out of me damnit" i laughed it off. "oh i'm sorry. i was just wondering if you wanted to come over to my apartment and watch a movie with me?" he blushed a little. He seems so innocent. "sure spence id love to" i followed him in my car to his apartment. whenever we got there we walk up the stairs and headed in side. It looks just like i thought it would. green walls and a huge book shelf. We sat down on the couch and the movie was playing. i had my legs sitting on his and he just had his hand on my leg. I knew this was the time. I sat up and looked him in the eyes before i smashed my lips onto his. he kissed back until he didn't. "y/n what are you doing?"

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