chapter 12 copy cat

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i couldn't stop thinking about how the baby could be Hotch's, but could also be Spencer's. However, i don't think he could be Hotch's kid because well he wore a condom. and me and reid had forgetten about one at times. jesus.

It was around 1:30 am when i woke up on this wednesday morning. Spencer and I had gotten a call from Garcia that Hotch needs us at the BAU this morning. We have a case.

"do you want me to put the coffee on or stop by dunkin' on the way in?" Spencer asked me. "umm how about dunkin'!" i said. "i'm craving it right now." i laughed it off and got dressed.

"uh yes I would like two large iced coffees please." said Spencer to the drive through lady. She gave us our coffee and we were on our way.

We got into the office to see people pacing everywhere. "Hotch what's going on?" asked Reid. "We have a spree killer in this town. He's copying the MO's of popular killers. The first victim is Mary Hill. The unsub copied the MO of jack the ripper. Also, found someone with the same first name of Jack the Rippers first victim." Hotch explained. "okay so how did you find out the it's the same unsub? who did the unsub copy on his second and third victim?" i asked.

"Well the second and third victim are the same MO of the Zodiac killer. Betty and David haskins were killed. Also the first names of the zodiac killers first victims." he explained. "so these are planned kills?" asked morgan. "sadly yes. that's why we have to work fast. The unsub isn't going to stop until we stop him."

We got straight to work. Morgan and jj went down to the coroner to see if they could find anything they might have missed. Spencer started trying to nail down the geographic profile. Hotch talked to local law inforcment, and Emily and I went to the crime scenes.

"Well most of the time copy cat killers are only that bc they are still trying to find what they like. if i our unsub finds what he likes then it's going to be a lot harder to catch him." i said. Emily just stared into space. "hellooo emilyyyy." i said. "oh what sorry i was just thinking this guy killed in day time. Nobody saw the kill?" she asked. "what if the unsub has a van or maybe he has a uniform?" i said. "that would explain why if someone did see it they thought nothing of it." i knew what emily was about to say. I just didn't want her to say it. "it's got to be someone on the inside. Or at least have law i forcement background." she said.

We headed quickly back down the BAU. "y/n call Garcia and tell her to run back ground checks on every officers. Tell her to go back at least 8 years." emily said. I got out my phone and dialed Garcia's number. "Hello my darling what can i do for you?" she asked. "hey garcia. I need you to run a back ground check on every officer at the station. Go back at least 8 years." i told her. "wait why there's only one reason why i would have to do that. No. The good guys aren't supposed to be the bad guys." she said. She hung up the phone.

We got back down the BAU to see many officers and the team. "hey Hotch i need to talk to you all." i said. The team walked over to me and emily. "the unsub is a officer." i explain. They went silent.

For the rest of the day we watched the officers. Then we got the call from Garcia. "hello my kittens i have news for you. So i did back ground checks and most of them have clean back grounds. However, i went farther back and i found officer Kyle England. He was arrested when he was 17 for attempted murder but his rich family has the file sealed and that's how they didn't see it. Also he didn't show up to work on the days the people were murdered. And yes i just sent you all his address. go get him my sugar plumbs."

We ended the day with success. We caught him and brought him in and that was the end of it. We headed home that night. The plane ride was silent mostly because the team was silent. That was until the plane started going down.


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