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Yoongi was far lost in the land of dreams. His mind too astray in the imaginary world to take a notice of his surroundings. But as the voices kept on growing louder Yoongi came back to his senses. He was always a light sleeper , he walks towards the source of sound in a half asleep state.

The sleep fades from his eyes as he saw Jimin sitting on the cold bathroom floor , emptying his stomach content.
" Oh Jiminiee." He scoops closer to the younger , rubbing soothing circles in his back.
" Hyung." Jimin's voice was small , his throat burning up from all the bile.
" Shh , it's okay let it out." Yoongi held him closer to him , whispering soothing words in his ears.

" Done ?" He asks when Jimin tries to stand up. Jimin nods walking towards the sink to rinse his mouth.

Yoongi prepared some warm lemon tea for him , putting sugar according to Jimin's taste.
" Drink it you'll feel better." He passes the cup to Jimin , who gave him a weak smile probably all drained out.

" Thank you hyung. I feel better now." He hands over the cup to Yoongi feeling a bit refreshed now.

" Why don't you call in sick today ?" Jimin acknowledge his concern but he doesn't think that this is a good idea , eventually he have to stop working after he enters his third semester so he'd try not to leave out during the rest of the months.

" No , hyung. I'm fine now." Even though Yoongi wanted to argue with him he knows there's no point in it , Jimin is very hard working and he'll not listen to him or anybody.

" Okay , but if you will feel even a little discomfort , I'll be there to take you back home." Jimin smiles at Yoongi's protectiveness , he has always been like that. Their highschool friends even teased them that Yoongi has a particular soft spot for Jimin and guess he really do have one.

" Hyung you look stressed." Jungkook comments as Yoongi enters the office. He looks as Jungkook with tired eyes before sighing.
" Yeah , didn't got enough sleep." Jungkook stirs the coffee in his hand , pushing it towards Yoongi.

" Guess you need this more than me."
Yoongi smiles at him , Jungkook has always been like a caring little brother to him.
" Thanks gguk ah." He smiles satisfyingly as the bittersweet taste of coffee lands on his tongue.

" By the way how's Jimin hyung doing ?" Jungkook settles down on his desk , turning on his laptop.
" Great. He started having his morning sickness today." Jungkook makes an 'O' shape with his mouth focusing back on his laptop screen.

" Yoongi , Editor Cheol is calling you in his office right now. " The sigh leaves his mouth unintentionally , it came out as a natural instinct on hearing the head editor's name.
He takes his time to stand up from the chair , walking upto the cabin with heavy steps.

He knocks lightly , waiting for the permission before stepping in. He steps inside after hearing the voice. The older male eyes him from head to toe , raising a eye at his disheveled look but dare not to ask about it. He signals him to take a seat and Yoongi didn't need to be told one thing twice.

" I thought you were kidding when you said you found someone for your article ?" Yoongi's eyes perks up at that , was it supposed to be like an insult ?

" But I guess you were telling the truth , based on your article." He tilts the iPad so that Yoongi could have a good view at that. But Yoongi doesn't need to look at it , the article itself was responsible for his sleep deprived eyes.

" The article seems pretty good so far. We'll start the new column with this under your name." That's what Yoongi has always wanted , a column under his name , where he could freely post his articles under. The little smile crawls up without any notice.

" Thank you." He feels proud of himself , afterall it took him 5 whole years in this industry to get to this stage. But it wouldn't have been possible without Jimin. He prepares a mental note to himself , he wants to thanks Jimin.

" I would like to meet your 'muse'." Soo Cheol puts the pressure on the specific word. Yoongi has never seen Jimin from that type of perspective , he always thought of this like a give and take relationship. But now when he was thinking about it , he really is his muse in a way.

" Maybe. One day." Jimin has always been a very sociable person. He thinks what would he think about meeting his colleagues.

" I won't pressure you." Soo Cheol lightens the mood with a quick laugh. Yoongi take this as his turn to leave , his steps light as he walk back to his desk.

" It went good ?" Jungkook questions after sensing the change in his body language. Sometimes he wonders that he is a way too good observer but then , that's one of the reason why he was hired as an assistant editor in such a young age.

" Better than good." He replies with a smile , probably feeling better after hearing the news. The thought of Jimin suddenly crosses his mind. Excusing himself , he went straight to the lobby , dialing the familiar digits once again.

" Hello ?" Jimin's voice was muffled with the giggles and little whines in the background.
" Hii." Yoongi regrets calling him at that time , he must be probably busy.
" How're you doing ?" But at the same time he couldn't stop worrying about the younger , he really felt like an overprotective mom for the past few weeks.

Jimin chuckles lightly at that and Yoongi can only imagine his eyes turning to cresent moon , his head falling back as he places his tiny fingers over his mouth.
" I told you I'm fine , stop behaving like my mom , hyung." Yoongi scratches the back of his neck , he knows Jimin is a fully grown man now but he can't help but worry about the younger from time to time.

" Uh yeah , sorry for disturbing you. " He taps his feet , his eyes drifting towards the door.
" It's okay hyung. I should probably go now the kids are making a fuss." Yoongi hears the little cries at the moment , thinking how hard it would be for Jimin to manage the little trouble makers.

" And hyung " Jimin pauses for a moment. " Thank you for worrying." He hangs up without waiting for an answer. Yoongi chuckles at that Jimin is a generous boy , he's always have been.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost into yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now