Chapter 6: Day 3 (Possessiveness)

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Lucy POV

Day 2 was finally over...

I woke up early in the morning and after yawning while stretching myself, I noticed I wasn't in my own bed... Actually, I wasn't even in my own room! 'Oh, right...' I thought as I finally remembered all about yesterday... The mission to deliver the package, Natsu being annoying, and last but not least... what happened last night...



We were finally able to find a motel after quite a long time of searching. However, before I could even lay on my bed, Natsu continued with his absurd worries.

According to him, sleeping on a bed that wasn't my own could gravely hurt my neck and back... Yup! That's what he was worried about... Ridiculous... And on top of that, he believed sleeping with me was the solution! He had to be insane if he really thought I would ever allow that!

"But, we've slept together many times already" that idiot said as I blushed slightly.

"Th-that's only because you like getting into my bed without me knowing it!!" I replied, annoyed and embarrassed.

"But, Lucy..." Happy began, innocently. "What about that time back at the fight against Alvarez? Didn't you strip willingly and held Natsu tightly?"

"WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON?!" I yelled to the tiny blue cat. "Th-that only happened because it was a life or dead situation!!"

"Mmmh... I see..." Natsu continued. "So, you mean you would've done the same if... for example... Gray was the one who needed help?"

"Huh?! Of course not!!!" I denied all flustered only to then realize what I mistakenly implied by doing so. "Kgh... Eh... Ugh... I... I m-mean..."

What an idiot! Why the hell did I say that?! I had to think something fast!! I didn't want to give Natsu the wrong idea!!!

"J-Juvia! Yeah! Juvia would've probably done it instead!" I finally claimed, desperately. "S-so... There would be no n-need for me to do it!!!"

Natsu tilted his head slightly in return. Whereas on my side, I couldn't take it anymore! I didn't want to feel any more embarrassed than I already was... So, after finally kicking him and Happy out of my room, I immediately went to sleep.

<<End of flashback>>


And that's what happened...

I took a long sigh and then got ready as fast as I could... I took a shower, got changed and made my bed... All while asking myself one simple, but disturbing question...

Why did I say that to Natsu?

Truth is I didn't mean to reply the way I did... But, for some unknown reason I can't understand... I just did it instinctively! Oh god... I really hope I didn't give him some wrong idea about me being in love with him. Though now that I think about it...

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