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Natsu POV

Today was a very important day...

It was night already, and the only source of light apart from the many torches and oil lamps scattered around the slightly crowded streets of Magnolia were both the moon and the thousands of stars that could be seen in the wide night sky.

In any case, both Happy and I were on our way to meet Lucy at her house in order to leave towards some other place all 3 of us together.

What place were we going you may ask... Well...

Turns out today was the award ceremony and party for the first adventure book my dear friend had finally managed to publish after such a long time of writing. Mmmh... Now that I think about it... We've surely been through a lot together this past few years, huh? Since the very first moment we met... up to the long-awaited end of the war against Alvarez.

I wonder... How long has it been since then?

I believe it's been almost 1 year since the fated final battle against both Acnologia and my brother Zeref... and I think maybe 4 or 5 months since... you know... that other incident... The one that took place over the course of 7 days and that my friends don't even bother to talk about or recall anymore.

Jeez... I really have not even a single memory inside my head about what had actually happened during that supposedly hellish week... Not even the slightest hint... Not even one tiny throwback... Just, nothing... Absolutely nothing.

Or at least...




That's the lie I made up...




That's right... Turns out after leaving that middle-aged woman and her cute daughter back at their cozy cabin in the woods, both Lucy and I returned to Magnolia and with our dear friends as if nothing had ever happened.

At first, I really did not remember a single thing... Not even one memory... But then, all of that changed when Wendy suddenly decided to cast some of her extremely effective healing magic on me with the purpose of getting rid of what little soreness I still felt in my body.

Nontheless, her powerful healing spell didn't just helped me get better physically, it also calmed down and refreshed my mind quite a bit. And because of that, I finally ended up remembering... not all of them... but still lots... LOTS of the many weird and embarrassing things I did during those past 7 days...




'Oh, crap...' I thought while slightly blushing at the fact of making memory of all those weird moments. 'Did I really do all of that?'

For real... I'm not so easy to get embarrassed and I'm sure you all know that already. But this time, just the mere action of picturing in my mind all the things I did in the past bothered me a lot. What is more, it's not like I enjoy seeing other people around Lucy. In fact, I just can't stand whenever any random guy tries to hit on her!

But if my memory is correct, this time it wasn't just that... This time... I even ended up claiming out loud and in front of hundreds of people that she belonged to me and ONLY to me.

And that's not all there was to it!!!

We also supposedly had some kind of... date thingy... and even ended up roleplaying some sort of cheesy and absurd 'master and maid' game just the 2 of us! Mmmh... Lucy as my maid... Actually, that last part didn't sound so bad to be honest.

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