Chapter 13: Day 6 (Dominance)

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Lucy POV

It was 2 in the afternoon of mating season's 6th day, and I found myself alone in Emeli-san's cozy cabin with my sole company being Natsu still laying unconscious over the couch. In addition, I wasn't exactly comfortable with the current situation... and the main reason for it was that I was wearing a pink, short, revealing, almost translucent, and kind of... seductive pajama.

Oh jeez... It was all Yukino, Emeli-san and little Lillia-san's fault!!!

The reason for me being in that situation was that, right after having breakfast and explaining both Yukino and Emeli-san's daughter what I had to do in order save Natsu from dying, they immediately stated they weren't gonna be able to help me in person given that they all had their own businesses to take care of.

Emeli-san had to take her dear daughter to school and then head towards her own job as owner of a pharmacy store while, on the other hand, my fellow celestial mage had to return to Sabertooth as soon as possible.

However, and even if they couldn't be here with me, they still showed me their support in any way they could think of... which bring us to what took place just some hours ago...



"Hey, Lady Lucy!" little Lillia called me with a big smile while carrying nothing else than a kinda revealing pink pajama in her hands. "Why don't you put this on for your date with mister Natsu?"

"Wh-wh-what?!" I replied all flustered. "It... it's not a date, L-Lillia-san! And wh-where did you even g-get an outfit like that?!"

"It's mine" Emeli-san bluntly replied out of nowhere. "It's something I used to wear long ago"

"It's really beautiful and elegant, Emeli-san!" Yukino then added with a big smile, after which she turned over to me with an eager expression only to claim that I would definitely look... 'beautiful'... in that outfit.

"It's true, Lucy-san" Emeli-san added this time with a teasing smirk. "You can be sure that Natsu won't be able to stand the desire to kiss you once he sees you wearing that" the middle-aged woman finally claimed while winking at me.

And so, after getting even more flustered than I already was, I took a long sigh of defeat only to then finally agree to wear that embarrassing piece of cloth.

<<End of Flashback>>


In any case, it wasn't as if my usual clothes AND spare clothes which I brought inside my bag weren't in perfect condition. I mean... Sure, they got soaked wet due to the terrible storm from last night, but they were now fully dried and ready to be used at any time!

So, if that was the case... please tell me once again...




Why on earth did I agree to put on this ridiculous outfit?!

"Oh jeez... I need a cup of water" I muttered to myself right after taking a long sigh of tiredness, after which I swiftly stood up and headed towards the kitchen in search of a drink.

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