Chapter 7: Day 4 (Sadism)

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Lucy POV

Mmgh... Something wasn't right... Everything was dark, I felt my head numb, and I couldn't move one inch from place... It was as if something was restraining me completely... Little by little, I opened my eyes until a clearer picture of what was really going on finally showed itself... 'What the...?! How did I...?!' I thought in surprise after realizing I was restrained to a slim but tough wooden pillar.

There were magic sealing cuffs restraining my legs, another pair in my wrists keeping my arms raised up, and also a rope tying my body to the pillar while slightly compressing my breasts. In addition, I noticed I was wearing some weird, tight and worn out clothes, similar to the ones I was forced to wear long ago when I was kidnapped during the mission to recover the Dragon Cry... and just like that time, my legs and arms were completely exposed, as well as my cleavage.

I looked around while trying to figure out where I was, but all I saw was a medium-sized room similar to a dungeon. The walls seemed old, and the floor was mostly covered in dust and dirt. Also, there was a wide desk at one side covered with a very long blanket. I couldn't tell where exactly this horrible room was located, since there wasn't a single beam of light from the outside, and the only thing illuminating such place were the few torches hanging from the walls.

What exactly happened anyway?! How did I end up in that situation?!

The last thing I could remember was my room and... Natsu standing right in front of me... I was desperately trying to cover myself with a small towel... and then... Yeah... Now I remembered... Then, Natsu hit me at the back of my neck with just enough force to knock me unconscious.





A-anyway... I began struggling against the ropes and cuffs, trying to free myself without success until suddenly, I startled at the sound of the room's door opening. "So... you are finally awake" Natsu said with an unusual and almost evil-like grin upon entering the room and leaning on a nearby wall. "It was about time"

What the...? Natsu was acting so... disturbingly calm and confident... And what is more, he wasn't wearing any upper clothes! He had his whole torso at plain sight while still weirding me out with that completely out of place look.

"N-Natsu..." I nervously muttered. "Hey! Wh-what is going on?! And where are we?!"

"You don't recognize this place?" he mockingly asked me as I kept on trying to identify where I was.

A few moments later however, my mind finally figured it out... Those old and tenebrous walls... The familiar feeling that coursed through my head by seeing them... Yeah... There was no doubt now... "It can't be..." I muttered in disbelief after realizing this wasn't my first time in such horrible place. "This is... Avatar's hideout!"

That's right... The lair of the once dark guild, Avatar... The same place Natsu and I sneaked in long ago while searching for Gray... And the place where I almost was tortured in ways I didn't even know were possible... That is where Natsu brought me. However, it didn't make any sense! This place was abandoned long ago when the Avatar guild dismantled after being defeated. Why would Natsu bring me here?

"You've been unconscious for quite a long time, you know?" Natsu continued while still smirking devilishly. "And also, I gotta say finding this place and bringing you here was a real bother, as well as getting something for you to wear that wasn't that tiny towel"

Something for me to wear? D-does that mean that he...?! "Wait!" I yelled while blushing like crazy. "If... If you got me changed into this, d-does that mean that you s-saw me..."

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