Chapter 10

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That night was the last of Kuroo's good days.

It was the last time he could usher out a word, as now his digressing mental state may have taken a pause, but his physical problems were a looming fate.

After a week, Kuroo seemed to be... different when Kenma came to visit. He was still there for Kenma and interacted as much as he could, but his expressions almost seemed less genuine. That weekend, Kenma decided to stay for the whole length of the visitor hours at the hospital, just to try and see what was up with Kuroo.

Much more comfortable with this long stay, Kenma didn't even have to speak a word when he entered the room, sat by Kuroo and put his hand under Kuroo's. Though it was nice to try and keep the mood as light as possible with light conversation and monologue, at this point the situation was looking dire. Kuroo had a ventilator in use for majority of the day, and doctors were constantly in and out with blood tests, drugs, IVs, and other medical what nots that neither of them fully understood.

Some days were better than others, but recently most days were bad days, especially this weekend. Even though he tried to hide it in front of Kenma previously, he just didn't have the strength to do that anymore.

Kuroo knew in his heart that Kenma needed him, but at this point wasn't he more of an inconvenience than any sort of help? He was a husk of his previous self. No longer the charismatic, positive, cheesy Kuroo Tetsurou that he was just a few months ago. He was now just another patient, lying on the bed, waiting for the inevitable.

Kenma had stopped crying about Kuroo, it's not what he deserved. The world didn't deserve his tears, it's not even over yet, why does everyone talk about it like it's over? If it was over, he wouldn't be here anymore, right? If it's over, why is the person who is least deserving of such a future suffering so terribly.

He didn't deserve this.

Kenma grazed his hand on Kuroo's cheek and all he wanted to do right then was give him a hug and tell him it would be ok. Kuroo would probably respond with something about how random that is and how Kenma must love him so much, he always used to mock Kenma like that.

Kuroo, I miss you. I miss your annoying, loving, perfect personality and everything that I've ever known about you. Why couldn't this be me in the bed, you're the last person who should be here.

"Kuroo, I hope you know how much I love you. I know you can't respond, but I love you so fucking much. I'd give you my everything if I could. Why is the world so fucking unfair. Fuck. I'm sorry I need to calm down, I don't mean to stress you out, everything is just so- ugh. I shouldn't be complaining, you're the one that has to deal with this. I'm sorry Kuroo, I'll just be quiet."

Kuroo just let his mouth part and close again, his eyes looking up at Kuroo, in a bitter sweet fashion.

One thing Kenma had always loved about Kuroo were his eyes.

They were always so expressive, if you knew Kuroo, you probably know his eyes were beautiful. To Kenma, his eyes were more than beautiful, they were another connection between them. Another way they could communicate deeper than anyone else could understand. His eyes were what comforted him in so many hard times, but of course it was really just Kuroo and his amazing understanding of Kenma.

While Kenma ate lunch, he had to leave the room so it would be sanitary. The doctors always treated Kuroo during this time, making sure he had all his proper nutrients to live another day in that hospital bed.

That day, Kuroo was rushed away in a hurry, there were doctors surrounding his bed and Kenma immediately left his lunch to follow. When he got to the room, the door was shut in his face. He obviously wasn't welcome, and there were no windows to look inside. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. He had to know what's wrong.

After what seemed like forever waiting, they finally let Kenma know what happened.

"Kuroo's lungs had an excess of liquid in them, it was a really mild case of pneumonia and we caught it really quickly, but we aren't sure if he can get through it. You can stay with him now, but he's asleep so don't wake him."

Kenma didn't even respond, he just went into Kuroo's room to see tubes in his mouth and even more equipment than usual.

"Oh no, Kuroo-san, please"

Kenma spoke softly.

He collapsed by the side of the bed and put his head in his arms on the bed at Kuroo's side.

"Baby, Kuroo, I really hope you know that I love you. I know you're strong, but I know you're probably enduring all this pain just so I'm ok, you have always cared so much about everyone around you. God, Kuroo I swear I'll be ok, if you have to, you can- you can let go."

"I love you Kuroo-san, thank you."

A flat beep filled the room.

Kenma just hugged Kuroo like he had wanted to for so long.

"Thank you for all you've done for me."

The doctors came in to see Kenma hugging Kuroo's limp body, and took him away, just like that.

He was gone.

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