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Ever since that day, Kenma hasn't cried once.

Even at the funeral, he saw Bokuto and even Akaashi crying, of course they were crying they had just lost one of their dearest friends, but Kenma couldn't cry.
He had a eulogy for Kuroo, but it was standard and when he read it, there was no emotion, it was just cold.

Bokuto and Akaashi have tried to reach out to him since the incident, but he hasn't responded yet. He keeps telling himself he will do it later, and he probably will, when he's ready.

Sometimes he wakes up and expects Kuroo to be next to him.

The same time every day, he opens his door and checks for Kuroo.

Just like he promised Kuroo, he had been getting back to classes lately, he couldn't let Kuroo's effort be for nothing. He worked so hard to help Kuroo he successful, so now he really had to do it. It's just like another one of Kuroo's dumb bets that he left behind for Kenma to live with, for the rest of his life. He had to fulfill his promise, whether Kuroo heard it or not.

All of the days had started to come together, it could have been a day, a week, a month, or even 3 months since Kuroo left and Kenma wouldn't even know. He was just trying his best to make it by, day by day. That was better than nothing, but Kenma wanted to suppress the feelings that came with mourning forever. He couldn't handle that kind of stress.

Even with all of this, there was one place Kenma knew he could be more relaxed and study, the gazebo. It may have been the place where him and Kuroo shared the best memories, but it's also the place where he was comfortable.

That day Kenma decided he would go to the gazebo to work, just to get some fresh air, he really did just go to work there. There was nothing unusual about that, he really is just a busy college student.

After finishing his work early, Kenma found himself with nothing to do.

There were people around the park with their significant others, or just with friends. Some even alone, like Kenma. This was a place for anyone, so why did it feel so special to them? It's kind of stupid in retrospect.

As Kenma just stares into space, he starts thinking. Thinking of that magical night here, where he and Kuroo confessed to each other.

Kuroo was so beautiful that night. So lively. His cheeks were flushed, he must have been so nervous, but it was really cute to Kenma.

Oh Kuroo, I wish you could be here with me right now. I miss you so much, oh how much I'd give to switch places with you right now.

"I love you Kenma, thank you for everything."

What was that? It sounded like Kuroo?

Am I going crazy? God Kuroo you're even in my conscious now. Of course you are. God I really do love you.

No response, what did he think was going to happen, Kuroo isn't here anymore, he even was told he could let go. Of course he isn't coming back.

"I believe in you Kenma. You can move on, you don't need me anymore. Goodbye."

Kenma, for reasons unknown to him, started having tears fill his eyes. Soon, they were streaming down his face.

"Kuroo... are you there?"

Kenma whispered to himself.

But Kuroo wasn't there, he had just said goodbye. Even though they didn't get their proper goodbyes, Kuroo's words, the last Kenma would ever hear, said goodbye. A final message. Means for Kenma to move on, means for him to accept the truth.

"Thank you... for everything."

Kenma said to himself once more.

Then, he just cried. Cried in front of everyone in the park, cried silently, but hard. It felt so good to let go, yet there was something missing.

It was like putting a bandaid over a wound on his heart. It wouldn't really help, but it would temporarily give the illusion of comfort. The illusion that someone was still there, and when the Bandaid falls off, maybe things will be a little bit better.

That smile, those eyes, just everything about Kuroo will always live somewhere in Kenma's heart. Maybe he will move on, but he will never forget his promise and he will most of all never forget the love of his life, his best friend, his reason, he will never forget Kuroo.

The End.

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