Side Story: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

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"Mnnn....." Deku rolled over in her bed, squinting into the darkness.

It was 3 in the morning, as her alarm clock had displayed across its front. Groaning, Deku groggily sat up and rubbed her eyes. The girl had been having a restless sleep all night in her dorm, unable to get comfortable. She was exhausted, but couldn't find it in her to fall asleep.

Every moment of her time during the previous day had been taken up, each second used. She had a normally-busy day at school, then went straight to work once it ended and she arrived at the dorm Heights Alliance building with her classmates. Studying, training, and the brief eating break was how she spent the rest of her afternoon, these activities leading late into the night. She had been practicing with her speed during some kick-drills outside, training alone by choice. Uraraka and Mina tried to coax her to come inside and relax for a while, but the greenette had been set in getting better that day for some reason. Other classmates, like Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, watched quietly and passively from the giant building windows if they happened to look up and outside. The freckled female would frequently switch between a textbook about the arithmetic lesson Ectoplasm was currently teaching to an improvised jump-set of spins and motions, keeping her mind busy and her body active.

So much for that, Deku groaned in her head. Not only am I sore, but I have no clue as to why I went into a training frenzy and study craze today. I don't have any tests or combat matches coming up that I know of.........My head hurts, too. I don't think I remember anything I read in any textbook or on a homework assignment, much less if I did any homework at all today.

Sighing, she swung her legs over bedside and stood in a wobbly position. Finding her balance, she stumbled over to her dorm door. Maybe if she had a drink or ate a quick snack, it would help her relax and fall asleep faster. It was pretty late (or early in the morning) to try and find a solution to fix her problem, but the girl was too exhausted to think clearly.

Better late than never, Deku thought to herself.

The freckled greenette shuffled towards the stairs, her aching limbs dragging themselves along. If she used the elevator, the loud clanks of metal or the noisy beeping of floor alarms would probably wake up her peers. It was unnecessary to put them through the same sleepless struggle she was going through, although she was tempted to do so. After all, they had been blasting music up until a few hours ago, making her lose more time in her window for sleeping. Nevertheless, down the stairs she went, gripping the railing as she descended.

It was dark, and Deku reached the bottom of the stairs, practically hugging the wall. The tired girl was too lazy to try and find the light switches on her own, and it felt pointless to try and mess with the lighting in the first place. There wasn't an immediate need to make her eyes adjust to the wrong light if she flipped the wrong switch, right?

Just need food, Deku thought groggily. Don't think about how much your body hurts or how big of a headache you might have right now. Just get some water and get back to bed.

Assured of her surroundings, Deku grunted and felt around on the wall nearest to her. Finding what she was looking for, she flipped a certain switch and lowered the plastic dial next to it. Instantly, the common area kitchen lights flashed on, only to be quickly dimmed in the next moment. Deku smiled softly with satisfaction, glad she hadn't seared her retinas in the process.

The girl walked over to the fridge, a little more awake. She pulled it open gently, squinting to see its contents. A few separate plastic water bottles were clustered together inside, and Deku ignored the Tupperwares of stored food and other cold grab-n-go snacks as she reached for one. Deku closed the fridge as she unscrewed the white cap, already craving the cool liquid.

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