2 bed 1 bath.

382 11 1

y/n | mr.austin? hey.

nick's dad | how's your marriage?

y/n | our marriage is fine. how are you feeling after, the incident?

nick's dad | oh, grieving. losing a son like nick hit us hard. he was such a good guy.

P | he was. i wish i got to know him better.

nick's mom | how has is been living with each other.

you are resisting the urge the slap the shit out of both of them.

y/n | it's good. yeah-

P | who invited you?

y/n | payton!

nick's mom | we are close with y/n's family.

just then your mom sees who you're talking to.

mom | what are you guys doing here?

you jump. seeing it's just your mom.

nick's mom | just coming to see the girl on her big day.

dad | we cut all ties with you. meaning we don't want to see your face anywhere near our house. get out.

nick's dad | not anything about how your daughter's friend, my son, is dead??

N | y/n! shit.

you turn around and see nick. he snuck up behind you just to realize you were talking to his parents.

nick's mom | nicholas?

your heart drops to your stomach.

N | mom?! what the fuck are you doing here?

nick's mom | nick?

everyone is looking. they are either don't know what's going on or are witnessing all of the austin's lies come straight out of their mouth.

nick's mom | nick-

she goes to hug him. he pushes her away.

N | no, i'm dead right? like you told everyone. what am i? back from the dead? no GUYS I WAS NEVER DEAD. i've been here.  my parents are just two faced liars.

everyone looked so confused.

nick's dad | nick, where have you been?

N | here! i've been here dad. you knew i wasn't dead from the first day i left. and you guys were the reason i left. you've been pushing me around since i was old enough to speak. i knew it was wrong and you ruined so much for me because of it.

nick's mom | we never-

N | yes you did! i don't want to hear it mom. both of you have never been parents for me. i'm just some kind of puppet on your strings and i was sick of it. so i hitchhiked all the way from minnesota.

nick's mom | that's dangerous sweetheart. are you feeling okay.

she puts her hand on nick's forehead. he slaps it down.

N | don't FUCKING touch me. i'm fine. i'm actually better then i've ever been. mr. and mrs. y/n have been more of a father and mother to me then you ever were. they make sure there is food on the table every night. even when we aren't hungry. they check in on us to make sure we are feeling okay. they give us freedom to love who we want to love. they don't have strict rules on everything in the house. no wonder y/n has coke from partying.

nick's dad | partying?

N | yes dad, partying! i've been going to parties since i was in 7th grade!! i snuck out just about every night  in highschool. so would y/n.

nick's mom | and you allowed this?

she says to my parents.

dad | no we didn't know about it. until mid-way through her junior year. but i spent 9 hours sitting in her room with her talking about it. talking about everything she'd been going through with me and my ex-wife and how hard it was for her to adjust to a new family in our old house. so we packed up and moved. i put my daughters needs before my own. because she is the most important woman in my life. i love my family and i would do anything for them. honestly i wouldn't be here without her. everyday i'd get home from work. no matter how later, when she heard the front door open she would creep out of her bedroom and give me a hug and ask how my day was at work. seeing her grow up and work on business classes because she wanted to be like me. we grew from the bottom up to get here instead of using daddies money. so you and your wife can get out of my house!

everyone in the house is silent.

nick's mom | you have our son.

dad | damn right i have your son. you failed to take care of him. nicks has been coming over and staying at my house since he was twelve years old. he would be sitting on the couch in the living room crying into y/n's hands. that says something about you. even in our small, broken down, 2 bed 1 bath, 1953 house in Minnesota we cleared out my office space to be his room. i moved my office to my bedroom. it wasn't any big bedroom. it was the size of a small closet. but that was our home. now, this is our home. nicks has plenty of space to stay. i don't think he wants to go with you.

nick's dad | well he has to we're his parents.

N | who told the world i was dead when you KNEW i ran away from our toxic household.

y/n | why don't you let nick choose where he wants to stay.

nick's dad | okay son. here or home.

N | here wtf.

you give nick a high five and a hug.

nick's dad | fine but don't come crawling back home when they go fucking BANKRUPT!

y/n | bankrupt? that's bold.

dad | don't let the door hit you on the way out.

you nick and your parents and get into a big hug. nick starts crying a little.

dad | we love you nick.

N | i know.

he cries. you dad stand up and yells.


everyone cheers.

sorry for such a long chapter!! hope you enjoyed.

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