What a surprise

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As always, Junkyu's mother was trying her best to get his son out of his bed.

"Junkyu wake up! It almost 9 in the morning." His mother was shouting at the top of her lungs.

Like any other day, Junkyu had no signs of waking up. Seeing that his mother had another way to wake his son.

"I think someone delivered a mail this morning, something called Treasure was written on it."

Junkyu was wide awake after hearing that, "Mom what did you just say? Did I received a reply from Treasure University ??"

"Yes you did" his mother replied with calm voice.

"Where is it mom?? can I see it"

First get freshen up then and Come down for breakfast in 15 minutes. After saying that she left the room!!

Junkyu was so excited, after-all it was his dream University to join.

After a quick wash Junkyu joined his mother for breakfast. As soon as he was done with last piece of bread he shouted excitedly "Mom where is the document?"

It's in the living room table. She said with a smile.

Junkyu ran as fast as he can and opened the document eagerly. He shouted at once "Mom I got accepted to treasure University and they are giving me scholarships as well."

His mom congratulated his son with warm smile, "Congratulations Junkyu, I am so proud of you."

Mom finally I can study where both of you studied.I am so happy.

At the age of 15 Junkyu lost his father. Their grandparents always hated his mother for belonging to a middle class family. After Junkyu father's death, their hate was on another level. They didn't even have to think twice before kicking her out. Although their grandparents loved him, but he choose his mother's side.

Both of his parent's studied in Treasure university and fell in love. For Junkyu Treasure university was a the only place where he could feel his father's presence. His father always shared all of his tricks to get a his straight A Mom. That was the reason, studying in Treasure university was his dream.

But the problem was, Treasure University being one of the top University in korea, it was expensive as hell. With his current state he could never afford the tuition fee. Only way to get into Treasure high was getting the scholarship. That was the reason he always worked extra hard and maintained his good grades. And finally all his hard work paid off and he got accepted to Treasure University.

Junkyu was excited for his university journey. He wants to enjoy his University life as much as he can, Meet new friends and create beautiful memories with them so he can tell his children about it as well. He shouted in joy "Treasure University be ready because Kim Junkyu is coming this year to have ultimate fun"


On the other side, in one of luxuries villa Haruto woke up. His father was busy as hell so he was quite surprised when he heard that they were having the breakfast together today. After taking a bath, he joined his father for breakfast.

In between breakfast his father started the conversation "Haruto we have something to discuss"

"Yes I know that otherwise why you will be here to have a breakfast with me."

Since you already know let me get straight to the point, "Listen Haruto I want you to study in Treasure University"

Yes I know that already so what about it?? Haruto once again replied unbrotherly.

But the thing is "I want you to stay in a dorm"

"What?? You want me to stay in University dorm" Haruto was surprised to death

"Yes Haruto you heard it right."

But why? I have my own room and University is not that far from here, so what's the reason???

I want you to enjoy your life more Haruto??

What do you mean?? With all these luxury you think I am not enjoying my life?? What are you even talking about Dad??

Not like this, I want you to enjoy your life with people.I know after your mother left you, you don't like people coming closer to you. But trust me son, it is the best feeling to have people close to you. So I want you to come out of the villa and make friends, go out with them and have fun. You just entered your 20 why are you living such a lonely life?? We know you just love being alone and don't want anyone to bother you. But Haruto I am worried about you. You need some friends to create some memories of your adulthood. 

"I have Asahi Dad." Haruto was quick to reply.

I know but he is the only one friend you have and you don't let him come any close either.

I do let him.

No more arguing Haruto, you must do as I say.

And how are you so sure that if I will stay in dorm I will change? What if I ignored that person and didn't let him come close to me??

Haruto that's what scares me the most. With your personality I am afraid other person might ignore you, before you do. But I am just hoping for a miracle " who knows maybe other might take a courage to change you."

I am not going anywhere dad. Haruto said irritatedly.

You don't have choice.

His father was all serious that it made Haruto worry a bit, "What you mean by that dad??"

It's either way you are getting kicked out of this house. Just the difference is whether or not you will the heir of this family or not.

What are you saying dad??

If you don't do as I say, I will take you out of our will. And you know I can do that. Right Haruto.

Although Haruto's Dad was a cheerful person, he is damn serious when he decides to do something. After all he is the CEO of one of the leading company, and the company is where it is today with all his decisions. So there was nothing he can do. He cannot imagine his life without the luxury of being the eldest Heir of Watanabe business. All people feared of him and did as he told because of his family name so if he can't give that up no matter what.
So all he could say was "Yes Father I know, I will do as you say."

Later on his room Haruto was confused. Haruto neither hates his dad nor loves him. He had just accepted the fact that to get this luxury he will never get that father son time. His dad was not like other rich dad like in movies who asks his son to do as he says. For 20 years of his life, Haruto's Dad never asked him to do something out of his will. So, he was not being able to figure out why was his Dad suddenly asking him to stay at dorm??? And was even threatening him to take out of his will??

At the end all the frustration made him angry. He shouted angrily, "get ready whoever you are my roommate, Its good if you just stay in you zone and don't dare to come any closer to me . If not, you will regret being Watanabe Haruto's roommate so much."


So what will happen when both of these meet each other??

I am back with another story. I came up with this plot while watching their T-talk. What do you guys think about the plot?? feel free to express your feeling. I hope all of you will enjoy it and will give love to "My annoying roommate as well" ❤️🙏🙏

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