What was Happening

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Once Haruto was outside he was burning with anger.. all his life he was never humiliated this much .. who was this kid and why he was not being able to ignore him as he can do to others??  He couldn't stop admiring his roommate ever since their gaze met in the orientation hall.

In the Orientation hall

Haruto was walking among the crowd not giving a damn shit about how people were telling "how handsome he looks and all that". He knew it was just temporary, soon the same people will be his top antis. 

As he continued to walk, his eyes met with a random boy among the crowd. "Those gaze were so different and soft that Haruto found himself getting drown into them. Soon the boys lips formed in the most beautiful smile Haruto has ever seen in his life. Haruto was totally taken aback by those beautiful smile, he quickly diverted his eyes and continued to walk..

Although he refused to admit but this entire time his gaze has never left the boy. At some point Haruto unconsciously found himself smiling looking at the silly stuff the boy was doing.

But his mood changed drastically, when he saw the said boy with his no 1 enemy Jeongwoo. He doesn't understand why but he was so angry with a fact that the boy was getting closer with his enemy.. He took out that anger when they were competing with each other. Haruto really didn't mean to shout, but his uncertain feelings made him look rude all over again.

When they stood next to each other, Haruto kept on thinking how handsome the boy was and how soft his cheeks were. He couldn't help but think that the boy was kind of cute and resembled a koala.But when the realisation hit Haruto, he was so flustered for thinking such stuff about a guy. That is why he ended up shouting at other.

It was not the first time he shouted at someone, actually it was his specialty to shout, but he felt disappointed after seeing how sad other looked? He just didn't know what was happening to him so he left the hall as soon as possible.

In the dorm room
Haruto kept on receiving calls after call and text from his only best friend. He had gone to sleep as soon as he came back from the orientation hall. He heard someone knocking but ignored as he was really in deep sleep.. the knocking stop after some time and he went back to sleep. but his phone kept on ringing and it was so frustrating. When he checked who it was, it was his best friend Asahi.. he was in no mood to call back so he opened the text that his friend has sent him

"I dropped your roommate till doorsteps. He is really not a bad person, I know you will not change for him but I beg you please try to be little nicer ok. You were little too much earlier. I know you will not apologise but please don't make his life more harder. Take it as suggestion or warning I don't care but don't hurt him. I know you do don't hate him either, I saw you smiling while looking at him. I don't know why were you smiling but it was the first time you smiled seeing someone. Haruto everyone is not same who knows maybe he is different. Maybe he will understand you. So don't be too hard on yourself Rutoyaa. Take care. See you tomorrow. 

What the heck is he talking about?? He expects me to be nice to a random kid??? Is that really what he thinks I will do with his little threatening ?? I will not change even in his sleep.

Haruto was trying to sleep but so many things were going on in his head. He was still in thoughts when he suddenly remembered the knocking on the door . "By this time this kid have gone to his friends room right??" It's almost 2am he is not a fool to wait outside right?? But what if he doesn't have a friend?? Wait somebody argued with me for him right, they seemed closer, he would have gone to his room?? But what if not?? Uhhh stop thinking too much Haruto!!!

After 30 min
Ok am not checking because I care it's just to help me sleep peacefully. Haruto slowly moved from his bed and opened the door. He was both surprised and angry to see the other shivering with cold while lying down on the floor. Is this kid being serious. Without even thinking twice Haruto picked up his roommate and took him inside the room. Seeing how much he was shivering from cold he quickly wrapped him with blanket. He checked the other's temperature to make sure he hasn't caught any cold. He was glad that after some time his temperature was coming back to normal. Now that they boy was in deep sleep, he looked even more cute.

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