Will always care for you

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It was way past 10 pm in the evening but there was just no sign of Junkyu. Haruto started to get a bit uneasy, afterall his roommate left the room with tears running down his cheeks. 

Seeing how it started to rain outside he just wished that Junkyu went to his friend. He remembered Junkyu telling him how he hated rain but hating was one thing if he stayed outside in this rain, he will catch a bad cold tomorrow. 

His thoughts were interrupted with a loud bang on his door. He thought it was quite unusual for Junkyu to bang the door so loudly but with their fight earlier who knows maybe he was mad as well. But instead of getting angry, he felt relief at least his stupid friend had brain to come back once it started to rain. He went to open the door but as soon as he did, he received a hard punch on his face. He tried to look up but but another punch landed on his cheeks. He shouted with anger "Yah what's wrong with you?"

"Yes that what I want to ask you, What the heck is wrong with you. "

The voice was so different to Junkyu so he looked up and saw it was not Junkyu but his friend Jihoon. He replied with frustration "How dare you to punch me"

I might even kill you and go to jail instead, now tell me exactly what did you do to my Junkyu?

I did nothing. Now if you are done can you leave I need to sleep.

You think I will believe that. Junkyu had never cried in his life, even when his dad passed away he didn't let a single tear shed from his eyes, thinking his mom will break down even more seeing him cry as well. He left me a voice message while crying out loud how mean you are I think I will take that shit. Now tell me where is Junkyu?

I don't know he left the room 5 hours ago?

What 5 hours ago. Isn't it raining outside ? Oh no god don't tell me that Junkyu is outside in the rain. Jihoon entire body started to shiver, Yah we need to find Junkyu, faster. Jihoon lost his balance, he started to panic.

Haruto was speechless seeing how panicked Jihoon was, Yah what is wrong with you why are you acting this way?

With a shivering voice Jihoon replied "Jun Jun Junkyu hates rain, he gets trauma whenever the rains fall in him, I need to find him, quickly. With that Jihoon was about to leave.

Let me come with you!

You freak, don't act like you care about him now when in the first place you are the reason for all this. You fu*****g ashole, I kept on telling Junkyu to stay away from you, I knew what kind of cold hearted bastard are you, but Junkyu is just to kind, he just cannot see other people suffering, he even fought with me saying you are not what people made up. he said with his genuine care you will change. But see what you did, you made him cry. If anything happened to Junkyu, I will never forgive you bastard.

Now realization hit Haruto, Junkyu was not playing around he was genuinely caring for him so he replied "I know you are angry but let me come."

Still with anger Jihoon replied "Why so that you can hurt him once again when you find him."

with frustration Haruto spoke "Look I don't care if you would shout at me all night but for now for me the most important thing is finding Junkyu. So can we continue this fight later and go on a run to find him already."

Jihoon was quite taken aback by those words, he shouted I care more about him than you, do you get it. Two people looking for him is better than me alone wandering that's why I am letting you come, do you get it.

ok ok I got it.

With that both of them started to run, Haruto was running even faster than Jihoon and was going everywhere shouting "Junkyu where are you"

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