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"mmh- ahh.. f-fuck-"

he holds my hips so tight that bruises start to form. my knees are caving in under me, shaky and weak. i drool all over the sheets as slutty moans come pouring out. i beg for more, for release.

"y-you're doing amazing sweetie.." he praises.

his hand strokes me so fast that i see stars. pre cum already coats my tip. he's ruthless when he fucks me, and i love it. i love that he's in charge, i love when he does to my body whatever he pleases.

my trembling fingers grip the sheets. i tug on them hard. sweat drips down my forehead. i'm going numb.

he hits my prostate over and over, leaving me paralyzed and desperate. a strong, sudden warmth pools in my stomach. i can almost taste my climax at this point. i'm craving it, yearning for it.

"i-i'm so close... aah- d-dream, nngh-"

the pleasure washes over me like a tsunami. i can't form coherent sentences anymore. skin slaps against skin, the sounds of our love echoing in my bedroom. the air is thick and humid. i can barely breathe.

i moan his name, scream it as i cum, staining the clean white sheets. my limbs tingle and i shiver. the pressure is gone and left is pure relief. my eyes shut as i savor those short few seconds of heaven. i can feel my heartbeat everywhere; in my fingertips, my cheeks and my legs. i'm burning up, face redder and more tear-stained than ever.

but dream doesn't stop. dream never gives me a break. he chases his orgasm for minutes, brutally abusing what's left of my insides. the overstimulation has me shaking and whimpering. tears trickle down my cheeks again. i feel so wonderfully dizzy and full, like nothing i've ever felt before.

when his panting gets heavier i know he's close. he strokes my sides, trailing his hands over my chest to make me shiver again. i sink deeper into the mattress as he loudly groans, filling me up with his warm, sticky cum. my knees finally give in at that, and i fall flat on my stomach.

"was that good?" he whispers, leaning down to hug me from behind.
"s-so good, please.."

my mind is still foggy from the climax, my body unable to move. dream senses my exhaustion, offering me a few apologetic kisses for the rough sex.

"do you have any tissues?"
"top drawer of the nightstand," i mumble, almost inaudibly.

he gets off me, reaching over to grab the packet. i turn so that i'm laying on my side, pillow hiding my flustered face.

"let me clean you baby," he purrs, approaching me with multiple tissues in hand.

his thoughtfulness fills me with joy. he always cares for me so well after we're done, every single time. i couldn't wish for someone kinder, someone more loving than him. he very much lives up to his name in situations like these, cause he truly is a dream. a real dream boy. the type of guy everyone would thirst for, even the homophobic high school jocks.

"i'm sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news but, work starts in two hours."
"ugh, i don't wannaaa.." i whine, burying myself deeper into the pillow, "why did we fuck in the morning?"
"you were horny," he points out.
"yeah but so were you... it's your fault."

he chuckles, gently wiping away the cum that's dripped down my legs.

"not my fault that you're irresistable."
"stop with the flirting dream," i sigh, attempting to shift the conversation towards the elephant in the room.

"huh?" he wonders, laying down next to me after he's finished cleaning me up.
"i just want to- to talk. you promised me we would talk today."
"yeah, of course. about what?"

his familiar arms wrap around me, pulling me to his chest and keeping me safe there. he smells like home. he is my home.

i clear my throat nervously before i start speaking.

"i'm just.. scared i guess. i don't know how you really feel about me, and what your intentions are, and stuff. i trust you but, it makes me anxious. i feel like i don't know you that well. i'm sorry if it sounds stupid or ignorant or something. but i need to know, cause..."

i have to pause in the middle of my sentence to take a deep breath. this is it george. tell him everything.

"c-cause i've fallen for you, like really fucking hard. i think- i think i'm in love with you, for real. and it would break my heart if you didn't feel the same."

a hand cups my cheek, forcing me to look up at the man i've just confessed to. his eyes are glittering with elation, the smile on his lips only making him prettier.

"yeah. i mean it."

he kisses me softly before replying.

"i'm in love with you too."

my breathing hitches, my heart wildly fluttering.

"and i'm so sorry i didn't tell you earlier. i've been meaning to for the longest time," he explains, looking almost ashamed, "but i guess i put it off. i'm.. a little afraid of commitment, if i should be honest. i've been cheated on in the past, i've been used for my money, and it's hurt me deeply. of course i trust you, but those things leave scars, you know? all of this has been difficult for me to process. all my feelings towards you, everything. again, i'm sorry."

i hug him tightly, drawing shapes all over the skin on his back.

"baby.." i coo, "i didn't know."
"it's alright," he assures me.
"thank you for telling me. it means a lot. shows that you do trust me."

"and about you wanting to know my intentions," he starts, locking eyes with me, "i just wanna say that... we're dating, george. you're my boyfriend. and i'm dating you because i love you. i would never ever do anything to hurt you on purpose. i know what it feels like to be cheated on, to be heartbroken, and i swear on my life that i wouldn't even think of doing that to you, ever. i'm yours. i'll stay with you 'til the end of times, okay? i'm so happy i met you, honey."

his words push me to the brink of tears.

"sorry, i'm just speechless," i sniffle.
"you don't have to say anything. you being here with me is enough."

we share a long kiss, so filled with passion that i might explode. our morning breaths aren't the nicest but none of us care. his tongue explores my mouth like it's never done it before. my fingers find their way into the silky blond hair that i've come to love so much.

i giggle happily when we pull away, cheeks tinted a light pink. i'm about to meet his lips again when a red liquid suddenly starts flowing out of his nostril.

"dream? you're bleeding," i point out.
"fuck, way to ruin the fucking moment," he mutters, sitting up, "i get nosebleeds a lot in the morning."

still naked, he slips out of bed with his hand covering his nose and his head craned up.

"i have to go sort this out. you should get up too, get ready for work."

i nod, stretching my tired limbs.
"you sure you'll be fine?"
"yeah, it's all good," he responds before heading straight to the bathroom.

the silence i'm left with is terribly boring. just another day of work ahead. but at least dream loves me. and i love him too.

polaroid angel - dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now