Shifting questions

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So this part is is only about shifting overall. You can comment or ask me any questions that were not included in this! Please skip ahead if you know more about shifting than others, I encourage you to read this though. Some other chapters will be about methods I use, and my own experiences with shifting.✨ also I didn't proof read this so there are probably some spelling mistakes!

Ok also her is another update hehe, I wrote another story but like a really story and its on a separate account that I am currently following on this account if that Makes sense? It's about a girl streamer on twitch, feel free to read it lol. Ok now back to this story!

Q-What is shifting?
A- shifting is basically moving your current mind to your dr mind. You are moving your cr mind to your dr mind if you get that? You shift every second of everyday. There are multiple results with you in it!

Q-what does cr, dr, and wr stand for?
A-  cr stands for current reality. That means the reality you are in now in this moment. Your  dr stands for your desired reality. They is the really you want to shift too! Lastly, your wr stands for your waiting room. Your waiting room is a place where you can shift to before you go in your dr. You can also shift here and script anything else in your dr you want to happen. I personally do not use a wr but feel free too!

Q-what is scripting?
A- scripting is where you put everything you want to happen in your dr. So how you look, who are your friends, WHERE you are shifting, affirmations, how you are treated all of that stuff. You can also script any like interaction with people from your dr to happen. Make sure you are very detailed and include everything you want in your dr! You can add to your script or even have a different one you use! Some important things you should script would be a high pain tolerance, nobody dies, you don't die, if it takes place in 2020, no corona! You can remember everything, if you don't want any villains in your dr, sweet them out.

Q-Is it like a lucid dream?
A- no, to shift is like to live in another reality! Basically it is like how you are living right now, but with everything you want! Remember though, these people are real bad have real feelings, so do not do anything non humane!

Q-what are affirmations?
A- affirmations is almost like a music or calming sounds that have hidden words that will help you sift. You sub mind will hear this so it can help overall! I can recommend any of you want!

Q-how long does it take to shift?
A- it depends on the person. I have been shifting for about a month now ish, and have only had mini shifts. However I have been gaining more and more symptoms!

Q- how do I know if I'm about to shift?
A- some of the symptoms for me are, tingling, white/slow flashing of light, hearing voices/noises, I personally feel like a hand on top of mine, feeling like someone is sitting on you/feeling heavy, numbness and twitching. Some other symptoms that I don't feel but are still symptoms are, dizziness, lightheaded smelling something you scripted, feeling light etc.

Q-what are methods?
A-methods are staging you use to help get you to shift! There are a LOT of methods you can use. My personal favorite is raven, pillowcase piano, Alice in wonderland and my own let his called the Emily method. I will go over each method in their own chapter later on. Sometimes I also combine them to help me get closer to shifting.

I will be adding to this if I think of anymore questions or get asked any questions! I will add method for you to learn about and my own shifting log and experiences for motivation! Good luck and happy shifting!

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