Ok hi heres stuff about quidittch

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Ok hi so here's some stuff about quidditch! Ok so if you just skipped to this chapter! BOO GO BACK! Ok any hello if your reading this from another part. I might shift tonight idk I will update if I do tho. Ok let's get to the part you came for!

Ok so I really never see any facts about quidditch or what it's like so though I would share. Ok so I'm a griffendor in my dr, so I'm ovi on that team. I scripted Ron and Harry didn't play it tho. I'm the seeker haha tho. Anyways I had to script I'm not afield of bights bc like. Don't get me started bro. It's like actually SCARY. Your on this little stick. Bro. Anywho, so it feeling like you could fall off. I ofc had to write I'm like really good and... I'm ok, but people say I'm really good. Like we always win cuz it's a really good team, but still. Also it's like dangerous ovi. Like and have had the biggest bruises like ever if I get hit, shoved or fall tbh. Oh god. Anyways whenever we like win I come to the ground and like we celebrate and go usually get butterbeer. I'm also the only girl on the team so you can imagine how that goes. It starts up by other teams thinking I'm terrible before they see me, OR their like flirting with me. It's a 50/50 chance for both. Anyways so yeah idk what else to write about this topic. Yeah I think imma shift tonight. Update you tomorrow!

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