Tightrope method

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This was requested as a method to explain! I used this and the raven method to shift my first time!

So first what you do is that you will think about a cliff with two side, and the tightrope in the middle. Take your time to throughly look around. I tend to imagine a waterfall on my right side and the Hogwarts castle on the left. I also see a river under me, that leads into the black lake. Then, once your done visualizing, see your dr character on the opposite side of the cliff. Have them cheer you on! Once your ready, take a step on the tightrope, and start to count up like what you would do for the raven method. Every time you take a step, count to yourself tarn say a positive affirmation. Also, don't worry about falling! You are safe and can't get hurt. Once you have reached the other side of the cliff have your dr person hug you and/or congratulate you. Then you can ether talk to your dr person till you fall asleep, or walk and talk to them as they lead you to your dr bed. I tend to walk and talk with them. Then, if you chose to walk with them, once you get to your room, see your dr self sleeping on your dr bed, go and sleep in that same position and you will shift!

Hope this helps and HAPPY SHIFTING!❤️✨

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