Part three of draco stories in my dr

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Ok yeah so part three my dear. So this is connecting to The other one bc I said so. Um one second I forgot what I was writing. Ohhhhh ok. So it's been like a day or two and I'm at the joke shop with Fred and George bc I'm best friends with them. Anyways, I'm like helping some first years and stuff with little gags and a person wearing all black with like a beanie on walks on in the shop. They see me and make eye contact for a split second then spin really fast on their heels and walk out. Now I know this was Draco bc the eye color idk what he was going in for tho too. So I wrap up in the shop with the twins and we walk out. We got some butter beer and started talking about random things like quidditch and stuff.  So yeah idk why I put that in here tbh. Ok here's another.

Ok so it was mail time where like all the owls come and deliver stuff to you. So we were at the great hall and I got like a velvet box with a note. The note said something like meet me ____ at _____ I don't remember the specific place or time but that's inrelvent. So I opens the box as the twins are breathing down my neck and it was a SUPER pretty ring. It had like silver butterfly's on it with a green colored jewel in them. It was sooo pretty. Everyone was like asking who it was from and I was like idk the note didn't say. And they were like are you going to meet them at ___? I was wondering if I was going to get mudered or not but I decided I was going to go bc I could safe word out. So I'm at this place in the castle at the time specified, and I see a person walking towards me. I'm like really to bounce when they get into the light and I see it's Draco. And then I was like oh 💩. (Keeping it pg here) he is walking towards me and I just run away. I feel like the flash bro. I don't think I ever ran faster in my life. I'm like 3 feet from the stairs till he like grabs my waist picks me up and pushes me against a wall. You know his personality so don't need to explain why. I'm like PLEASE GOD NO. And... he kisses me. Like looks my in my eyes and goes in. I'm like brooooooo but like I don't want to be mean so I'm just sitting here like 👁👄👁. And he breaks away smiles and sees my expression and his smile flattens and asks what's wrong. I'm like nothing and so yeah now I'm dating Draco and I don't even want too. Um yeah✌️ but like he looks so happy and I don't want to be rude bc I really like him as a friend. And everyone ships us together like "you guys are the cutest couple"  but snape TREATS ME NICLY NOW. And he even brought up our future. 🤷‍♀️🥲 So next time I shift I don't know what to do. I need advice so please comment what I need to do lol! Also imma post more characters story's like tomorrow or something idk.

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