Alice and wonderland method

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OK so this is a little bit easier than the piano method but is also one of my favorites and how I got a lucid dream on my very first shifting time. Basically what you need to do is imagine that you are in some sort of large area with trees bushes plants all that sort of stuff. Then imagine that you are either sitting or leading up against a tree doesn't matter which one you choose to do. Just kind of visualize that land and take in and say some affirmations.Well you were saying you're affirmations, you should  be able to either see or imagine seeing a character from your dr run up to you. They should either ask you are you ready or something along the lines of that. They should start running off into the distance. Go follow them and they should be running at a pretty high speed, so you should go running Too. Then why do you need to do is they should jump into a hole like in Alice in wonderland. Go and follow them into that. You should feel like you're falling or have some symptoms of shifting. You could use the fall for however long you would like. Once you hit the bottom there should be kind of like almost a forest like area with a door and your DR person should no longer be there but if they are they will be by your side. Go find the key in the area that you fall into, and open the door once you open the door you should be in the room and should see yourself sleeping in your bed. Then go over to yourself and sleep in the exact same position that they are then once you  do, you should wake up in your dr!

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